[03.04] in which they make an announcement

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Tom looked over at Cassandra who was dancing while cooking dinner for the two of them

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Tom looked over at Cassandra who was dancing while cooking dinner for the two of them. He remembered the tenderness in her voice of when she called him two weeks ago, saying she needed him. He still could not believe that she allowed him to love her after all that she went through with Sebastian.

Cassandra knew that Tom was the complete opposite of Sebastian. Tom actually showed affection, respected her, cared about her feelings and they were actually able to communicate without fighting.

Cassandra put the cooked food on the plates and walked over to where Tom was setting up a movie. She put the plates on the coffee table and they moved from the couch to the ground.

Tom was the first one to start eating, but Cassandra still had questions running through her mind about their relationship. "Are we ever going to tell your team about us?" She slowly asked as she cut into her food.

"Yeah, of course. We can even call them over in a little bit if you want?" He asked her and with a smile on her face, she nodded her head agreeing with his idea.

They both turned their attention back to the TV screen, but Tom sent a quick message in the team group chat inviting the boys over in a couple of hours. The two couldn't even get through the movie without laughing at every scene, but when the movie ended they began to clean the table together.

Cassandra started washing the plates, but instead of having Tom help, he danced behind her to the rhythm of The Weeknd's songs. He hugged her from behind as she struggled to wash the plates and began singing in her ear, "I can't feel my face when I'm with you, but I love it!"

Cassandra shook her head as she laughed and Tom began chuckling alongside her, then placed a kiss on her cheek. The song switched to Get Low by Liam Payne and Cassandra started belting out the lyrics, "Beautiful as you are, I wanna light up your dark. Maybe you don't believe in me,"

Tom cut her off as he finished the lyrics, " It's hard to know what you see in me, don't be quick to say no." The two continued dancing and singing all while enjoying each other's company. Almost an hour of having fun had passed, but when they heard a knock on the door, they knew it was his team.

Cassandra jogged to his room to change into a decent outfit and Tom let in the boys. Most of them were there, but not all of them considering Tom told them to come over last minute.

"Why are we here? You never invite us," Alex Ovechkin spoke up as he took a seat on one of the kitchen barstools. The team all found somewhere to sit whether it was a chair or on top of someone else's lap.

"You guys all know Cassandra right?" Tom asked and looked around the room as they all nodded their heads, "Well, It is my honor to say-"

"Are you guys dating?" Braden Holtby asked loudly.

"I would really appreciate if you'd let me speak," Tom said rolling his eyes at Braden, "but yes, we are dating."

Andre clapped his hands, "Finally! Holy shit, pay up Ovi." Andre got off of Backstrom's lap and walked over to Ovechkin who handed him a fifty dollar bill.

"You guys couldn't have waited a week longer before telling us?" Ovechkin mumbled as Andre walked away with a huge smile on his face.

Cassandra walked into the room, "Sorry, Ovi."

Evgeny Kuznetsov ran up to Cassandra and gave her a big hug, "I'm so happy my ship is sailing!"

The guys all looked at one another with confused faces, then laughed at the Russian. Evgeny let go of Cassandra and she walked up to Tom who laced his arm around her waist.

"Okay, enough! I don't want to throw up." TJ Oshie announced from the corner of the room.

Slowly the guys started leaving and once again, it was only Tom and Cassandra in the house. For the first time in her life, she felt at home in his arms. She felt safe and loved, something she had never experienced before.

As night began to wind down, the two stayed in bed together as Tom held her close to him. When she closed her eyes, she could picture the life she always wanted. She could see him holding her hand, telling her he loves her at the altar. For a moment, she could even imagine waking up every morning, looking into his eyes as their kids ran around the backyard.

She opened her eyes and knew that although that's what she wanted eventually, she couldn't have that now. In this moment, she just wanted to enjoy every single second she had with him. Getting over someone as horrific as Sebastian was easy for her considering she never really loved him. Now, she could finally love someone, and that someone was Tom.



thank you to every single person who read, commented and voted on this story. you guys never seize to amaze me with your undying support, so thank you so much!

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