Chapter 18

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(this chapter is all over the place, and I really don't like it....)

Niall's PoV.

Maybe I can save him?


I breath heavily as i look over Ashton's un-moving body. I place my shaking hand over his heart, and close my eyes, trying to remember how to do this. Before I know it, a shock wave -kind of like electricity- shoots through my hand, and into Ashton's chest.

Right away, I can feel a heartbeat under my hand. He's alive... Thank god!

I place two fingers on Ashton's forehead, going into his mind, seeing what he remembers.

Well... he definitely won't remember this.... Or anything that happened in the past month... Fuck, he needs to get to a hospital, but I can't take him...

I search his pockets till I find his phone, dialing 911, and leaving it next to him, knowing they'll still come even if no one talks. Before Ashton wakes up, or help comes, i slip my sweater on, and run away from the alley.

The further away i get, the more i start to cry. Finally, i just give up, and fall to the ground, crying my eyes out. What have I done? I brought him back, he's ok, he's ok now...

That's all that matter, he's ok...

Slowly, i regulate my breathing, calming myself down. I reach into my pocket for my phone, but stop when i remember i left it at the dorm....

Louis... shit! I almost kissed him! I can't go back... he'll hate me.... I could make him forget.. But I can't mess up on that again.. I don't want to risk it...

I want to call Allie, but I need my phone!

I just want to go home now, whether it's home with Allie and Josh, or home back at the dorm with Louis.

After what feels like hours of trying to find my way back to the dorm, I finally make it . Shakily, i knock on the door, having left my key inside before i ran out.The door swings open, and i look at the ground, ashamed, embarrassed, and waiting for Louis to yell at me pr hit me.

What i wasn't expecting was for Louis to hug me. When he pulls away from the hug, i look at him in shock.

"Why did you run out like that? Do you know what time it is?! It's 2 am! This is worse than when they found that kid! I was worried about you! It's mid January and it's snowing, and-and you ran out there in just a sweater and sweatpants?!" Louis exasperated, making me flinch. "you're freezing Niall! What if you got hurt, or-or got hypothermia! You're lips are practically blue!"

I look down at the floor in shame and I hear Louis sigh as he pinches the bridge of his nose. "I'm going to run you a hot bath, you're going to get some warm pj's for after, and then you're going to go to sleep, don't even try to protest"

With that, Louis walks away to the washroom. When i hear the water running, i walk to our room, picking up a set of warm pjs. I sit down o my bed, my head in my hands as I sigh. What have i gotten myself into?

-2 days later-

I continue writing down everything my professor says that i deem important. It has been 4 days since i kissed Louis -and hurt Ashton.. Not that he remembers- and I haven't spoken to him since.

Louis' tried talking to me every now and then, but i just can't reply, i don't know what to say. Even Harry and Liam have tried getting me to speak to Louis, not knowing why we aren't talking. I know I'm being dramatic, but I'm scared.

Halfway through my professors spiel, the door burst open, and I'm very shocked to see Louis.

"Niall Horan!" he shouts, walking towards me. I stare at him, scared to what he'll do. The room grows silent as everyone stares at Louis and I. "You need to stop ignoring me!"

"Louis, I-" He cuts me off.

"I don't care that we kissed Niall! You're one of my best friends, and it's hurting me that you're ignoring me!" I stare at him in shock and sorrow.

"Please.." Louis whispers the last part so only I can hear it. I check the time on the clock and see this class is over in 21 minutes. I nod at Louis, standing up with all of my things before i leave the class with him.

We drive back to the dorm in silence, deadly silence that's driving me crazy.

After what feels like a tortuous eternity, we're inside the privacy of our dorm, so Louis turns to me and asks, "Why were you ignoring me?"

"I... I thought you hated me..." I admit, shuffling my socked feet around.

"Niall i could never hate you! I don't care about what happened. It Was just the heat of the moment." Louis says, and I nod, even though i know that for me, it wasn't just the heat of the moment, it's because I like Louis.

I watch Louis walk closer to me, he holds his arms open, and i rush forward, accepting his hug. Louis rubs my back softly as i clutch onto his arms.

"But if you asked, I'd totally kiss you again." Louis laughed, making me chuckle and hit the back of his head. I know it's only a joke, but something in his voice made my heart flutter. Something about his tone made me think he wasn't joking, but I knew it was probably just me imagining it.

Without meaning to, i start to cry, holding back whimpers from the stinging it causes.

"Hey, hey, what's wrong?" Louis asks, pulling away from the hug.

"I-I-... I did something bad Louis." I say, not just referring to Ashton, but to everything that I've done in my life.

Louis looks at me, worry deep in his eyes. "What happened Niall? Do... do you want to talk about it?"

I shake my head no as i take deep breath.

"Ok." Louis nods, pulling me into another hug. "It's ok, you're ok."

I just nod against his shoulder, sniffling and closing my eyes.

"I'm sorry." I mumble, my voice sounding weak and frail.

"There's nothing to be sorry about, Irish. Trust me, you've done nothing wrong." Louis says, a soft chuckle following the end of his sentence.

Oh Louis... if you only knew...


:-/ soooo... That was today's chapter??

What do you guys think?? Did you like it? What were you hoping would happen with Ashton?? 

Anything about today's chapter that stood out to you? Something you liked, didn't like? 

How are you all? Good I hope!

I don't have much to say today..... sooooo that's about it haha

Keep smiling sunshine

-Laylania xxx

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