Chapter 21

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Words: 1666


Niall's PoV.

-Friday February 16th-

I slowly open my eyes, and realize I'm still in the living room. I lift my head, and look down to see Louis, myself laying on top of him. We must have fallen asleep here last night. We were having a Marvel marathon.

I brush some hair out of Louis forehead, and he starts to stir a little in his sleep. I panic for some reason, and lay my head back on his chest, pretending to be asleep.

I close my eyes when I hear Louis groan, doing my best to not give away that I'm awake. I smile slightly when I feel Louis wrap his arms around me. I can feel a faint blush on my cheeks when one of his hands travel up to my hair, playing with it delicately.

"Irish, wake up." Louis whispers to me, poking me a little. I pretend I'm waking up for the first time today, and look at him with tired eyes. "We fell asleep in the living room."

"Oh." I mumble, smiling at him.

"But you already knew that, you little shit." Louis laughs, pinching my cheek. I chuckle lightly knowing I'm caught, sitting up, and getting off of Louis.

"I feel cold now." He informs me, with a small pout. I raise an eyebrow at him before walking to our room. I take one of my sweaters, and one of Louis'. While walking back to the living room, i slip mine on and throw Louis his.

When Louis catches his sweater, i realize mine smells different. Really, really nice... just different.

I look down and see that I put on Louis' hoodie by mistake. I look up just in time to see Louis looking down at the hoodie i gave him.

"This is yours. And you're wearing mine." Louis says as if i don't know that already.

"I know, i thought i put mine on, but it was yours." I shrug timidly.

"Doesn't matter anyway," Louis says, slipping the hoodie on over his head. He smooths it out on his body before standing up and bringing me to the kitchen with him.

"Pancakes?" I ask, rooting through the cupboards to find the stuff i need.

"Sure." Louis smiles, staring up the kettle for his tea, and the coffee pot for me.

I toss Louis the batter mix while i lean against the counter, waiting for our hot drinks to be done. Just as Louis pours some batter into a pan, i pour my coffee into my cup, and i pour the hot water into Louis' cup, dunking his tea bag in, and adding what he usually does, making his tea the way he likes it.

Just as I'm about to tell him his tea is ready, I feel his chest right against my back, making me freeze. He reaches around me and picks up his tea.

"Thanks, Irish." Louis says, taking a sip of his steaming tea, and humming in satisfaction. "Perfect, just the way i like it."

-after breakfast-

Louis and I clean up our mess from breakfast, and i sigh victoriously once it's all done.

Louis looks out the window before turning back to me and speaking, "most of the snow has melted, so i think I'll swing by the shop and pick up more groceries."

"Ok." I smile at him, watching as he slips on a coat and shoes, making sure he has everything he needs.

"You should bring Harry and Liam around so we can all hang out here, or make plans for something." I add just before Louis closes the door behind him. 

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