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Kendyn Emery:

I walked into the lunch room and headed towards our normal table. I sat down and scrolled through my phone looking at some of the pics Rose and I took last night and some from when we were little. I couldn't stop the smile that graced my lips but it faltered when I heard her dick of an ex-boyfriend talk shit.

"She was a fucking bang! I swear, all night and she has a set of lungs on her..." he continued talking and I wasn't sure of who he was talking about but that is no way to talk about any girl even if she Is a hoe or the most respectable girl on the planet, it's just disrespectful.

I listened in more till one of his mates started talking about mi Rosa.

"So I saw you tried talking to the little Rose but she cut you off? Still, want to get into her pants?" the rest of his football mates laughed.

"Yeah, I still want her. I mean have you seen her in a swimming costume because she sure is smoking!" he commented, making the shape of a guitar with his hands accentuating what he saw as Rose's body.

That was the last straw. Nobody talks like that about my girl and get's away with it. When Damon told me that she was dating a guy while I was gone I nearly lost it. I went into a shooting frenzy, and when he told me he broke her heart I was close to getting a flight back just to beat him to a pulp.

I stood up from my seat and walked over to his table catching his attention. Once I got it, I gave him a smirk and punched him straight in the face getting him into a headlock and glaring at all his mates that were too scared to help him out. They knew not to mess with me.

"What is that shit that you are talking to about Rose?" I questioned through gritted teeth.

"None of your business man. She's my girlfriend I can talk about her as I wish." he struggled out. I tightened my grip a little more seeing him struggle.

"Say that again and you are a dead boy." I gritted out.

"I can't help that I love her." Bryan coughed out.

"You don't love her, you only hurt her again and again." I put my hand up to punch him again when it was stopped mid-air my a pair of small soft hands.

"STOP!" Rose yelled keeping a firm grip on both my hands.

"Kendyn stop please he's not worth it." she pleaded. 

The voice she had made me realise my actions and I let go of my hold pushing Bryan to the ground as I did so. I pulled Rose into my arms holding her close to my chest not caring that everyone would see us. I was too engrossed in my hug that I didn't hear what Bryan mumbled, but Rose did.


"Excuse me? What did you just say?" she snapped placing her hands on her hips.

"Why are you with this asshole? You are mine!" he barked at her making her take a step back and bumping into my hard chest.

"You are just digging yourself a deeper grave there mate," I growled seeing the fear that he brought upon her.

"I am not his nor will I ever be yours. I'm not a fucking object that can just be thrown around like a regular toy." she stepped closer to him at every word making him back up. I must admit when she said she wasn't mine I felt a little hurt but she is right she isn't an object and nor is she a toy, she is a human with feelings that should be taken in consideration.

"But my little flower, I can't live without you." I saw her flinch at the nickname. I saw red when he came closer to her until she was in his embrace.

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