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yoongi was clinging onto hoseok's arm as they walked to the mall, as he hated going out when he was in his little space, but he wanted to go out because he wanted to watch a movie with hoseok and buy some sweaters.

hoseok chuckled and grabbed his small, pale hand and intertwined their fingers together as a shy gummy smile appeared on yoongi's face.

"mmm it's cold daddy," yoongi mumbles softly as he got a bit closer to hoseok, trying so hard to warm up.

hoseok wrapped his arm around yoongi instead as they arrived at the mall. hoseok took off his beanie and put in on yoongi's head and said, "so you stay warm, and so you'll look even more adorable."

yoongi pale cheeks instantly burned up, as he gently stomped on the ground like a happy little boy as he mumbled, "daddy~~ nwot here.." yoongi stopped stomping and started walking with hoseok to the cinema.

hoseok chuckled and nodded his head, as they arrived at the cinema, he kept yoongi close to him as he smiled and asked, "what movie baby? 'the secret life of pets' or 'moana?' he kissed his forehead as they both got in line.

"mmm the swecet life of pwets.." yoongi said softly as he got closer to the younger, as hoseok payed for the tickets and they moved onto the snack area. yoongi's eyes slightly widened at the sight of the popcorn and all the candy, as he almost squealed but instead, he looked over at hoseok and asked, "can we get some candy??"

hoseok chuckled and nodded as he ruffled the little's hair, as he gladly ran off to find his favorite candy, m&m's and thin mints. "mmm what are you gonna get?" he asked hoseok, happily smiling his gummy smile at him as he leaned up and kissed his cheek.

hoseok smiled and kissed back his forehead as he picked up a king-sized bar of kit-kats and filled a cup up with some pepsi and said, "just this? is that all you're getting?" he also asked as he placed the lip on the cup and then looked over at yoongi.

"mm that's all," yoongi told hoseok as hoseok walked up to a cashier and payed for the candy and the drink, and then they both walked to the room, and took a seat near the back, as yoongi squirmed happily in his seat as hoseok sat next to him and wrapped an arm around yoongi. hoseok placed the cup of pepsi on the cup holder and then wrapped an arm around yoongi and kissed his forehead happily.

yoongi smiled his gummy smile happily as he opened up his m&m box and started to happily munch on them as the lights started to dim as the movie began to play. his doe eyes focusing on the movie, whereas hoseok couldn't stop looking at his beautiful, baby boy.

hoseok smiled at him and pulled away, only to lift up the armrest and pull yoongi closer to him, so he could be even more comfortable. no one payed attention to them, which made yoongi feel better, and even more comfortable.

once the movie ended, around a hour later, yoongi had finished his box of m&m, but he had pocketed his thin mints, as he wanted to eat them at home. they both got up, and got out of the cinema area, walking around the mall. hoseok smiled and grabbed yoongi's small, pale hand, lacing their fingers together as the little let a small giggle escape his lips.

yoongi smiled as they both walked to a store nearby, where yoongi looked around as he found a few sweaters that he liked. one was a black, oversized hoodie, as another one was a pastel mint green as was also, an oversized hoodie. "mm can i have these..?" yoongi asked hoseok, looking at him with his adorable eyes, as he smiled a small smile at him.

hoseok smiled and pecked the top of his head saying, "of course baby boy, anything for you," as they walked over to the cashier and he payed for the two hoodies and walked out to another store, yoongi happily clutching the bag to side his. he wanted hoseok to wear them first, only because he liked his scent, and it made yoongi feel happily and childish inside, as well as feeling loved.

they both walked over to the food court, where yoongi happily asked for a vanilla ice cream, so hoseok bought it for him. they were currently sitting down at a table for two. yoongi ate his ice cream happily, some of it dribbling down his chin, as hoseok wiped the ice cream, and booped his nose as he wiped his finger on a napkin and pecked yoongi's lips sweetly.

yoongi giggled happily and finished his ice cream, rubbing his belly gently as he mumbled, "i'm full.." as he scooted closer to hoseok and rested his head on his shoulder.

"does that mean that yoonie wants to go home~?" hoseok asked him as he rubbed his side soothingly, hoping that it would relax yoongi a bit more. he kissed the top of his head and smiled happily, as he loved that yoongi was eating more, and he loved that yoongi could be who he is outside of the apartment.

yoongi nodded his head sleepily as he kissed his boyfriend's jawline as hoseok chuckled and nodded his head, picking up yoongi gently, wrapping his slightly chubby legs around his own waist, ignoring the people's stares as yoongi placed his head down on his shoulder, closing his eyes sleepily as he wrapped his arms around the younger neck.

hoseok started walking back to their apartment, hugging yoongi tightly to his chest, as they arrived shortly after. he gently opened the door to their apartment after reaching it, and closing it after him as yoongi slowly woke up, sitting up slightly and rubbing his eyes. "daddy~? where are we.." the little asked sleepily, as he looked down at hoseok.

"we just got home baby boy, wanna go sleep~?" hoseok asked him, as yoongi nodded his head. hoseok kissed the top of his forehead as he walked to their room, setting yoongi down on the bed and sitting next to him, pulling his baby onto his lap. yoongi giggled slightly as he wrapped his arms around hoseok's waist, mumbling, "night daddy.." before falling asleep.

hoseok smiled and pulled up the covers, saying, "night yoonie, i love you.." as he heard a small hum come from yoongi's lips, hearing what hoseok said.

idk how i feel about this
honestly— i feel like i rushes on the ending, tell me if i should keep writing this or not :,)

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