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jimin 🍤
you fucking asshole

jimin 🍤
how could you fucking leave? you knOW yoongi gets bad ass nightmares!!
you haven't been gone for a week, you've been gone for a fuckING moNTH!!! i've stayed hEre eVeRydAy trYING tO comForT yooNgI, buT he wAnTs yOU! he hasn't been eating properly! and he keeps going away from me when i want to hug or comfort him!!!

hoseok 🌼

hoseok 🌼
fuck fuck fuck fuck

jimin 🍤

hoseok 🌼
shut up, i gotta talk to yoongi

jimin 🍤


hoseok switched to yoongi's name, hoping that his baby didn't do what he thinks he did. well, if he did, hoseok would be hurt-

daddy 💕💕
yoonie bear?

yoonie baby 💖

daddy 💕💕
jimin told me that you haven't been eating well, and that you walk away from him whenever he tried to comfort you, what's going on baby bear?

yoonie baby 💖

daddy 💕💕
i know when you're upset yoonie, and i know when you lie, what's going on baby? i'm worried

yoonie baby 💖
i miss you..

yoonie baby 💖
i miss you telling me that i'm perfect.. i miss you telling me that i'm pwetty.. that i don't need to worry about my chub...

daddy 💕💕
baby, listen to me okay?

daddy 💕💕
you are perfect, you're beautiful yoonie bear, you need to eat, because if you don't, then you might end up sick, and daddy doesn't want you to be sick. that chub of yours sweetie, it's beautiful, it only means there's more for me to love, because it's beautiful. i'd rather have you have some chub if that means you're healthy, okay? i love you baby, and i wouldn't change it for the world. i love you so much

yoonie baby 💖
i wuv you so much.. i just.. i've missed you..

daddy 💕💕
i love you so much more baby, look i gotta get back to work, i'm coming back   tomorrow i promise, just please try to eat for me baby, please

yoonie baby 💖
i will daddy... i love you


hoseok came home the next day, as he didn't tell yoongi what time his flight arrived, only to surprise his little. he opened the front door, as a sleepy yoongi emerged from the bathroom, rubbing his eyes as he saw hoseok, and immediately his eyes lit up.

"daddy!!!!" yoongi ran into his daddy's arms, jumping up slightly and wrapping his arms around hoseok's neck, and wrapping his legs around hoseok's waist and burying his face into hoseok's shoulder, about to burst into tears. he missed this. he missed the hugs and cuddles, the kisses, he missed hoseok so much. he felt broken without his daddy.

hoseok let go of his suitcase and stuff and hugged back his little baby boy instantly, placing numerous kisses all over yoongi's face, "i'm sorry baby, i'm sorry i was gone for so long, i promise i'll make it up to you," he said as he carefully walked to the couch, sitting down and letting yoongi cuddle up on his chest; yoongi's legs still wrapped around hoseok's waist.

yoongi hugged him like never before. his thighs burned with pain but he didn't care, all he cared about at the moment was hoseok. "i missed you so much daddy..." he mumbled quietly as he placed his head on hoseok's shoulder, placing soft kisses on it. he had missed hoseok's warmth, the midnight cuddles, everything. the month was probably the hardest thing yoongi had to do.

"i know baby, i know, i wanna check you okay? i wanna make sure my baby boy is okay," hoseok said as he took his adorable baby's face onto his hands and pressed a soft kiss onto yoongi's forehead and nose. yoongi was scared shitless, his eyes slightly widened as he looked down and avoided his daddy's eyes.

hoseok noticed and snaked his hands under yoongi's oversized sweater, which was actually hoseok's, and started to rub small, soothing circles onto his hips and sides, a small, soft sigh escaping yoongi's chapped lips. he felt slightly more relaxed, but he was still scared. "why don't we take this off.." hoseok said softly as yoongi nodded and lifted his arms up slowly, letting hoseok pull off the hoodie.

hoseok let out a small exhale as he didn't spot anything unusual on his upper chest. he placed a soft kiss oh his two shoulders and on his forehead once again. hoseok noticed that his little baby had lost some weight, but it wasn't major.

yoongi looked up at hoseok and looked back down, playing slightly with his fingers. he was worried, scared. what if hoseok punished him? what if hoseok got mad at him?

hoseok rubbed some more circles onto yoongi's hips, instantly feeling him slightly more relaxed as he tugged slightly on his little shorts, asking, "can i take this off..?" as he placed a small kiss on his forehead. yoongi nodded slowly and sat up slightly, letting hoseok pull off his shorts, tears welling in his eyes as he looked away.


yoongi didn't look up at hoseok. fat tears rolled down his cheeks as he gently started to shake as he wiped his eyes, but it was no use. the tears kept coming.

hoseok looked at his baby's cute, pudgy thighs, only to be covered with small slits and cuts. he looked up at yoongi and cupped his cheeks, wiping away the tears, "shh.. shh baby.. it's okay don't cry.." as he looked into yoongi's doe eyes with soft and gently eyes, letting him know that he wasn't mad. "i'm not mad baby.. i'm truly not.." hoseok told him.

yoongi wrapped his arms around his daddy's torso and cried quietly onto his shoulder, his body shaking with every sob that escaped his lips. hoseok felt his heart break and shatter into a million small pieces. "baby please don't cry.. don't cry.." hoseok said softly as he rubbed small circles on yoongi's hips, feeling the lack of fat covering them. he wasn't gonna lie, yoongi had lost a lot of weight.

after a couple of minutes, yoongi's sobs turned into small sniffles, as he had calmed down thanks to hoseok's comforting circle rubs. he pulled back slightly to look at hoseok and said, "i'm sowwy... i'm rweally sowwy daddy.. i couldn't help it..." as he wiped his eyes, the tears finally stopping.

hoseok nodded his head, "it's okay pumpkin, it really is okay. next one you feel you wanna cut, grab a marker and draw on yourself, that way you aren't hurting yourself, okay?" he gently placed yoongi down on the cough and presses small and gently kisses onto the cuts, hoping that would make the little feel slightly better.

yoongi's lips parted slightly as broken laughs escaped his lips, as it tickled. "t-tickles daddy!!! it tickles!!!" he said as he squirmed around slightly; hoseok pulling back and smiling, pressing a kiss onto yoongi's lips. the kiss it's self, it was romantic. nothing steamy, just a kiss to show yoongi that hoseok really loves him. of course, yoongi melt into the kiss, loving it when his daddy and him kissed.

hoseok smiled, feeling slightly happier that yoongi was feeling better. he pulled away, pecking his lips a few times before saying, "let's go eat something, okay?"

and with that, yoongi's gummy smile returned onto his face. "okie daddy~"

dunno how i feel about this

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