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*A story in which Barry gets jealous when a girl starts flirting with Cisco while they are in a secret relationship. Possible smut warning!!*

*Barry's Point of View*

I was fine. Totally and utterly fine. Not bothered at all by this girl blatantly flirting with Cisco at Jitters. My Cisco. But no one else knew that, except Joe, he found out first. Proves you really can't keep a secret from him. Anyways back to the important issue at hand here, this girl, flirting with my man but I can't do anything about it.

I clenched my fists as she clearly placed a hand on his shoulder and giggled like a tiny school girl. Everyone was watching in amusement, Iris, Caitlin, even Harry! He never finds anything amusing or funny. Joe though wasn't looking at Cisco and that girl, unashamedly flirting with him in front of his friends, he was looking at me. He took a sip of his coffee and mouthed some words to me, "stay calm." I, in return, gave a small nod, taking a deep breath and un-knitted my eyebrows.

I took another sip of my "Flash" coffee, and just avoided what was going on at the end of the table until I heard the girl say "Here, take my phone number, I would love to give you a call sometime." I look just in time to see her wink at Cisco. Murmurs are heard all around the table but I just cough, loudly, when she puts her hand on his shoulder, again. Everyone looks at me, including the girl. Cisco's face looks just as guilty as a kid's face when he gets caught with his hand in a cookie jar. I get up and excuse myself to the bathroom, I hear what sounds like Iris ask, "What's up with him?" when she thinks I'm out of ear shot. I make it into the bathroom before I hear the rest of the conversation. I paced around for a bit and when I realized I couldn't just stay in there, I bolted. Literally.

When I stopped, I found myself in Cisco's apartment, which was basically our apartment because I practically lived here with him everyday. I plopped down on the couch and let out a sigh. I really had no reason to be jealous or angry, Cisco's loyal even if were not out to the rest of our friends. He wouldn't leave me for some girl, I know this, but I can't help it. I laid on my side, hoping to sleep away some or all of the feelings.

I awoke with a blanket on top of me, which had not been there before, and eyes staring at me. Cisco. "You like watching me sleep, how long you've been here?" I ask sitting up and shrugging the blanket off me.

"Not long, you mad at me?" Cisco asks, moving from his crouching position on the floor to straddling me on the couch. He tucks a strand of his hair behind his ear, staring at me in the eyes the whole time.

"No." I reply resting my hands on his hips and leaning back into the couch. 

"Good." Cisco whispers as he moved his head down and started kissing my jawline. "I'm glad your not mad because you know, I'm yours and yours only." His kisses continued on down my neck, I only let out a "mmh-hmm" in response. 

Cisco stopped and pulled back, "I mean it you know. I am yours, Barry Allen." A smirk fell on his lips as he kissed me softly.

"I know, Cisco Ramon, I just did not like that girl that was flirting with you earlier." I replied moving one of my hands and raking it through his hair. Cisco let out a low groan in response.

"Aw, was Barry Allen jealous?!" Cisco asks in a sarcastic voice, covering his hand over his mouth like a bug flew in it or something.

"Shut up, you know I was." I reply resting my hand back on his hip.

"Was? Does that mean your not anymore? Because they say jealous sex is the best sex." Cisco spoke, his voice dropping an octave or two, he grinded his hips down and I let out a moan in response.

"Really? I thought it was angry sex?" I murmur against Cisco's lips as I lean up to kiss him again.

He pulls back before the kiss could go any deeper. "Whatever. Let's take this somewhere other than my couch." He replies, his hands roaming my body.

"Good idea, babe." I speak and speed us off to his bedroom.

*Comment here if you wanna see/read the smut part of this part. I'll post it separately!!*


The next morning I awake with Cisco in my arms. The sun coming in from the windows, shining on my back. It was peaceful, a beautiful way to wake up. Cisco stirred in my arms. He woke up, turned, and faced me.

"Hey Barr" He spoke, his voice groggy.

"Morning babe," I replied, moving some of his hair out of his face. He smiled at me, I smiled back. "Come on, we gotta get up."

"Aw, I don't wanna!!" Cisco whined, curling up into a ball under the covers.

"Come on, if you get up we can have a shower together," I sat up and smirked at my boyfriend, "I'll make sure it'll be a very long one." I winked at him getting up from the bed. He instantly shot up. 

"I'm up!!" He exclaimed. I only laughed and said, "I can see." I winked at him once more and started walking towards his bathroom. 

*More to come, and I can't wait!!! Peace out!!*

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