Coffee Dates And Terrible Friends

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     "Wow, I forgot how good these cakes were. How could I forget such a wonderful thing?!" Cisco spoke in-between bites of one of the Jitters small cakes that they serve. Barry smiled and chuckled a bit before he replied.

    "It's because I'm always running over here just to get you coffee and not anything else." Cisco hummed a reply before he took another bite and drunk some of his and Barry's shared coffee cup. "Okay so,- crap crap crap." Barry voice immediately went into panic at what he spotted at the door way. 

    "What, Bar. What's happening?" Cisco spoke his voice laced in confusion and concern for his boyfriend. His eyes followed Barry's gaze to see Iris, Caitlin, Joe, and Harry at the front door of Jitters. "Oh. Oh! Um, crap, right uh." Cisco stammerers upon seeing the people he calls his friends.

     "Do you want me to speed us out of here?" Barry whispers quickly, hunching over the table, a foot on the ground, ready to get him and Cisco out of there. Cisco shakes his head, "No they'll see your lightning, as will everyone else here. We should just stay here and hope that they don't see us."

     "But what if they do, what are they going to think? Two 'best friends' at Jitters alone-" "Well everyone does that." "-sharing one coffee cup though, Cisco?" Cisco leans back and drops in his seat a bit. Barry runs a hand through his hair as his mind races with thoughts, Cisco stops him before half of them are even completed.

    "Hey, hey. Barry, look at me okay. It's going to be fine, they won't suspect that we're on a date right now okay. Here," Cisco pushed their shared coffee cup closer to Barry, "you have the coffee so it looks like your the one drinking it, and I already have the cake so they'll just think I didn't get a cup or something." Cisco smiled softly as he looked back at their friends. Caitlin spotted them easily and waved the group over to their table. Barry relaxes more as he takes a sip of their shared, well I guess now, his coffee cup.

      "Hey you guys! What's up?" Iris speaks her voice chipper and happy but then again that might have something to do with the coffee cup in her hand. 

      "Oh, nothing. Just a coffee meet up at Jitters. No big deal." Cisco replies letting out a sigh and eating a piece of his cake. Barry nods in agreement and sips his coffee silently. Harry hums in annoyance before he walks away and out the door with his coffee. 

      Everyone watches him leave before the remaining decide to pull up chairs, "Wonder what's his deal?" Joe mumbles as he puts his phone in his pocket. 

    "You know Harry-" Cisco and Barry say at the same time and chuckle at themselves. Neither of them miss Iris and Caitlin's eyebrows raise. Before anyone can say anything else, the meta human alarm rings on Cisco's and Barry's phones, and the team is out of Jitters in an instant.


                             (    Short PSA      )                                                                                                                                          ( ******" You're such a homologous chromosome Cisco."      )                                                                            (   "That's why you built like Texas."*****{From Carmen}               )                                                                     (   Now back to your regularly scheduled programming           ) (- From my girlfriend, sorry)

      "Are you sure no one will interrupt our coffee date today?" Barry questions Cisco as they sit in what they practically claim to be their spots at Jitters the next day. Cisco does a glance around before he replies.

    "Positive, Harry is at the lab, as well as Caitlin, Joe is at CCPD and Iris is at her apartment." A sly smirk is shown, and gone, seconds later on Cisco's face. Barry raises an eyebrow at his boyfriend. "What did you do, put trackers on them?"

     "Maybe...." Barry's eyes widened immediately, "Wha-Cisco! You can't put trackers on your friends!"

     "Who says I can't, Bare?" Cisco retorts smirking as he takes his first bite from the cake he got yesterday. "God damn it! C'mon man!" The tone in Cisco's voice changes as he so happens to glance at the door to see Wally walking in with a bright smile on his face.

   Barry groans and slides down in his seat. "We have terrible friends, I swear it." Cisco nods in agreement as Wally spots them and starts walking towards the couple. 

    "Hey guys! What's going on?" Wally says as he pulls up a seat. "Oh, nothing much. What's brought you back into town, Wally?" Barry asks, taking a sip from 'his' coffee cup on the table. 

     "Oh, you know. Just visiting you guys for a few days." Cisco is about to say something but then he gets a vibe about a robbery about to take place downtown. "We have to go right now, sorry Wally." "What, why?" Wally asks immediately, getting up from his seat.

     "Robbery, downtown." Cisco quickly explains, taking one last bite of the Jitters cake before standing with Barry.  "Got it, let's go. Later, Wally!" Barry shouts before he and Cisco are out the back door.


     "Okay, third time's the charm." Cisco says as they wait in line at Jitters the next morning. After they get the Jitters cake and coffee, before they can sit down a female's voice calls out to them. 

    "Barry! Cisco!" Felicity shouts, Oliver on her arm looking tired but with a small smile on his face. Both Barry and Cisco internally groan and Cisco mutters, "I swear, it must be the cake," loud enough for Barry to hear. He chuckles as they approach Felicity and Oliver.

   Felicity lets go of Oliver quickly to hug both the boys. "Hey you guys! What's up?" Felicity asks to which the boys respond at the same time, "Nothing much." Felicity giggles when Oliver speaks up, "Just saving your city from meta-humans each week, huh?" Barry and Cisco both nod and chuckle a bit. Barry motions to a  empty table with four chairs, "You guys wanna sit with us?" To which Felicity and Oliver both nod and move to sit down. 

    Barry gives Cisco a quick apology glance before sitting down with the married couple. "So, what brings you two over to Central City?" Cisco asks stealing Barry's coffee and drinking from it. A small 'hey!' is heard from Barry before Felicity replies, "Alright, here it goes," she looks over to Oliver before she continues, "We know you two are dating, we all know okay; we just want to know why."

    Cisco almost chokes on his cake and Barry looks at them with wide eyes, "What what what do you you mean, we're we're not um dating, at all. That's that's crazy, you're you're both crazy. I'm gonna go to the bathroom, um excuse me." Barry replies, holding off the urge to scratch the back of his neck.

    "Uh-uh. Cut the crap Bar, why didn't you tell us?" Oliver says, a cold glare in his eyes directed towards Barry, and then towards Cisco when he coughs.

      "Well, you see, my best buddy Ollie-" "Cisco, don't call me that." "Okay, yep, never doing that again. Well, we got together after Savitar happened and we didn't want to tell the team just yet because life is finally getting back to normal, whatever that is for us, and we both thought that we should wait a little bit longer. We were going to tell you all-" "Next month," Barry continues "We were going to tell you all next month." Cisco takes Barry's hand, his brain already racking up ideas about places to go if they had to move, it's extreme, he knows but coming out is difficult especially to friends that you've known for so long.

"Oh man, next month?! You guys wouldn't have lasted till then." Felicity blurts out. "What?! It's the truth, you guys aren't that good at keeping your relationship a secret and we live in a different city than you guys." She continues when Barry and Cisco look to her. 

"Oh, um, does that mean everything's okay, I mean everyone's okay with us being together?"

"Yes, Barry, everyone's perfectly fine with you two being together. " Oliver reassures Barry before they all get up to say goodbye to Felicity and Oliver. After they leave Barry and Cisco are left in a comfortable silence.  Until Cisco breaks it.

"I told you it was the cake." 

"Really? That's what you have to say after all of that?" Barry takes back his, actually their coffee, with a smile on his lips.

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