Chapter 1

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The school bus grumbled along the dirt road taking the turns too fast and flying over the bumps. The bus driver sat there calmly as a big bump made the students riding it rise three inches above their seats. A girl with rich chocolate brown hair, thin lips, and white framed glasses, rolled her eyes. She was hunched down in her seat, resting against the bus's window. There was a permanent frown on her face as the bus continued through the rolling hills. She was only just looking out the window but she seemed to cast a disapproving glare at everything she saw. She crossed her legs and put the earbud, that had fallen out of her ear over a bump, back in. "Geez, Malissa, where'd you learn how to drive? The race track?" She mumbled under her breath, but it came out louder than she expected because her music played too loudly in her ears. The bus slammed to a stop and the scowling girl caught herself against banging her head against the seat in front of her, most likely she would have gotten a concussion. She swore under her breath, yet again it was still pretty loud.
"I heard that! Keep your pretty mouth quiet. You should be grateful! This isn't the best job in the work you know! If it weren't for people like me you would probably have to walk to school," Melissa snapped at her. She just met Melissa's eyes and raised her eyebrows like she didn't know what her bus driver could be talking about.
But, under her breath for real this time, she breathed, "Yeah, people like you who even McDonalds wouldn't hire..."
"Salty much?" The neighbor kid who sat behind her asked. She rolled her eyes but gave him a slight grin. Middle schoolers, right? The bus jerked forward again as Melissa felt satisfied with her speech and short delay, now they could all get back home like 3 minutes late, whoopdie doo!
The girl muttered thanks under her breath as she stepped off the bus, because that's how she was raised, with manners... right? She took a deep breath in and started walking up her long driveway, she turned towards the neighbors house whose driveway was literally 20 feet long. Lucky ducks! She gave the middle school neighbor a nod good-bye and began her journey up the iced driveway.

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