Chapter 13- A Permanent Home or Too Good to Be True

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~Beth's POV~

I woke up and quickly noticed the absence of a certain redneck. Scanning the room I spotted him sitting in a folding chair just staring at his bandaged and bloody finger. His fave wrinkled in frustration and he slowly stroked the remaining part of his finger as if he still didn't believe a chunk of it was missing. I carefully observed him until he felt my gaze and looked up. A grin appeared on his face and he motioned for me to come towards him.

I walked towards him and was about to sit on the floor by his chair, when I noticed his empty lap just beckoning me. With out further thought I just plopped onto his lap and nuzzled my face into his warm chest. The feeling of his warmth was just so comforting. I always wanted this and now I actually had it. I had a real person to love and to hold. Nothing can be more amazing than this.

His body heated up slightly from my touch. It seemed I affected him the same way he affected me. Finally it's me making him embarrassed and not the other way around. That's more like it. We just sat there enjoying each others presence until I decided to break the comfortable silence. "So, what are the plans for today? Are we going to raid the rest of the buildings?"

"Ya. Maybe we can get the whole street done with today. Then we can move on to the next location." I pondered his response for a few moments. Maybe, just maybe, we don't have to leave. "Couldn't we stay?" I wondered out loud.

"Stay?" Daryl asked me with confusion in his voice.

"Think about it. The forest is nearby for hunting and there are nearly infinite supplies just in this store alone. Imagine all of the other shops! We could barricade the ends of the streets off and kill the walkers that already inhabit this place. This could be our permanent home. Just the two of us together." I blushed as I said the last words.

"But, it never works out."

"What do you mean?" It was my turn to be confused now.

"The prison, Woodbury, the farm. They all were supposed to be permanent sanctuaries. None of them lasted."

"We had enemies and dysfunctional groups then. Now it's a team of two. It's just us against the world and we make a pretty good goddamn team. This place could be our future, Daryl," I spoke with confidence and passion.

Daryl looked at me with admiration and told me, "If that's what you want then that is what I want too. We can start building the barriers and clearing the area of walkers today." He seemed to be getting excited with the idea which made me feels so warm inside. "Just imagine our future here. If we make it secure enough we can almost live normal lives." I was smiling form ear to ear. Things were finally looking up. Daryl picked me up off my feet and spun me around making me giggle. "You are just too adorable, Beth." My face heated up and I stared into Daryl's peircing eyes. I knew I was so lucky to have a man like him in my life. "Daryl, I just love you so much." Daryl leaned towards my ear and whispered, "I love you, too." Those words affected me in such a way it was nearly undescribable. It felt like butterflies fluttered in my stomach and my heart would give out. I barely regained myself when his lips collided with mine. It felt just like the first time. The passion and desire flaming within me. The world around me had stopped and the only thing that mattered was Daryl. If this wasn't true love than nothing was.

After a few seconds I pulled away and smirked. "Better get to work, huh?"

"You fucking tease," he growled. I playfully punched his arm in response.

It took nearly the whole day and almost all of Daryl's arrows, but we had cleared the entire street. Since the buildings were all connected the only thing we had to do was blockade the north and south ends. Luck seemed to be on our side that day because we found a semi truck with the key already in the ignition. Daryl drove it to the south end and it fit perfectly. We then removed all the tires so walkers had no chance of slipping under. The south wall was now officially walker proof. "That should actually hold," Daryl said proudly. 

"Now we just need the north blockaded." Daryl looked up at the sky and frowned. "It's getting dark. The north wall will have to wait until tomorrow at day break. We want to do this as early as possible. The fewer the deadcome  strollimg back into our home the better." The way Daryl said home made me truly ecstatic. It really was becoming our home now.  

"Okay," I smiled, "where should we spend the night?"

"You chose. Just not that convenience store again."

"Ha deal. I don't think I could sleep there if I wanted to. Alright how about," my voice trailed off as I scanned the options. My eyes landed on a pleasant, salmon colored house Daryl and I had cleared early that day. Daryl followed my gazed and let out a sigh. "Really the girliest house possible?"

"It's cute," I protested. He gave in without much of a fight and we went inside. From my earlier memory I navigated my way to the master bedroom. The bed was king sized with fluffy pillows scattered around. I fell backwards onto it and let out a long, content sigh. "Now this is the kinda thing you deserve," Daryl said standing in the door way. 

"Take off your shoes and join me," I requested. Daryl did as he was told and plopped down next to me. I snuggled into the crook of his next and my eyes fluttered to a close. It felt as if the apocolypse had never happened. Sure my life was completly different than what I imagined it would be, but I wouldn't change one thing. If it wasn't for the viral infection that caused the world to go to hell, I would not have met Daryl. It's funny how life is all cause and effect. Somehow, in the end, everything just kind of works out the way it should. Of course I missed my family and the old group, but Daryl was the only person I truly needed and it looked like I may spend the rest of my life here, with him. Maybe, my expectations or hopes that I can fufill a life in this little town with Daryl is far fetched, but I believe it can happen. Any problem can be overcome as long if there is an us.

"I love you, Beth."

"I love you, too."

~~~~Author's Note~~~~~

THE FLUFF. THERE IS SO MUCH I AM DROWNING. Okay so I just want to say thanks for all the support I am almost to 3k. Shit guys, I didn't think I would ever reach that in a million years. And remeber every vote and comment, I see or read. I greatly appreciate it. Love you all and see you next Saturday! <3

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