He walks in on you self-harming - Niall Horan

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Hate. Hate. HATE.

That's all I've been seeing and hearing the past three weeks and that's what's forced me into cutting again. Because of the hate I've deleted Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram and even Facebook. All there is are people saying how worthless I am. How ugly I am. How Niall would be better off without me. And I've started believing them.

I use to self-harm back in high school because I was bullied but when I met Niall I had no reason to do it because he made me feel wanted. He made me feel... Like I was worth something.

Right now, Niall's at the studio recording some things for their new album and won't be back for a good three hours.

I sat on the toilet seat, a blade from the razor I had broken between my forefinger and thumb holding it just a mere inch above my wrist as tears flowed down my cheeks. I slid the blade across my wrist once, red liquid immediately spilling from the cut. I slid the blade across my wrist just a few centimeters above the first cut and even more blood came spilling from my wrist, quiet sobs escaping my lips. I went to slide the blade across my wrist once more but the sound of Niall's voice stopped me.

"(Y/N) have you seen my ph-" He cut himself off as he looked at me, his eyes darting to my wrist then looking back to my eyes, tears filling his ocean like orbs.

"You promised." He choked, tears falling rapidly from his eyes.

"I'm sorry." I whispered hoarsely.

He walked over to me and took the blade from my fingers carefully and tossed it in the trash bin the grabbed a wash rag and drenched it in water before lightly washing the blood from my arm and cuts. He cautiously wrapped my wrist in gauze and softly kissed my gauze covered wrist before looking back into my eyes, tears still falling from his eyes.

"Why?" He whispered.

"The hate.. I can't take it anymore Niall." I sobbed.

He pulled me into his famous Horan hug and cried with me.

"Please." He whispered. "No more hurting your self."

"It's hard." I whispered.

He pulled away from the hug and cupped my face in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

"Don't listen to what they say. They're just jealous of what you have." He said, his voice hoarse from crying.

All I could do was nod.

"I love you much it hurts (Y/N) so please don't harm yourself because when you do... you're not just hurting yourself. You're hurting me to." He whispered.

I nodded again and he placed a soft kiss on my lips before pulling me into a hug again.

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