I always win

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Kai and Zane had been looking for Pythor for hours. They tried Chen's noodle shop, kryptarium prison, stix, and ninjago City. They were beginning to loose hope they would ever find him. They were on their way to Pythor's former prison in the desert (I'm sorry but I forget the name) when Zane struck up a conversation.

"Skylor did not look too pleased when we showed up. Is she upset at you" inquired Zane.

"Our relationship is a little rocky at the moment. I haven't been calling her and she's upset over it. It's been so hard to hang out with her with everything that's been going on" Replied Kai.

"I believe that you should tell her the truth that we have been caught up in a lot" said Zane.

"She'll think I'm making up a lame excuse" retorted Kai.

"That seems to be better than no excuse at all" said Zane.

Kai was about to make a "witty" retort when they arrived at Pythor's former prison. It was dark and abandoned. Zane turned on a flashlight and they quietly crept down the path. As they were walking, they came across snake bones and it sent a shiver up Kai's spine.

"Man this place is creepy. I feel almost sorry they locked the snakes up in this dump" mumbled Kai.

They made their way to the end of the cave and saw the Orange dust.

"Shit. We gotta get back to the temple now (they forgot their phones. I know bad excuse).

(Now we go to Cole)

Cole was getting really tired. It was 2:30 in the morning and nothing has happened. He was starting to dose off when Nya turned the corner.

"Hey Cole! I brought you some chocolate cake to keep you awake before we switch" said Nya happily.

"Thanks, I was beginning to get get a little bit sleepy" replied Cole sheepishly.

"No problem. Enjoy the cake and don't worry Zane made it" laughed Nya.

Nya walked away and Cole took a huge bite of the cake. It was so creamy and delicious. Suddenly he felt himself get really tired. He knew something was wrong but he was drifting off. Nya came back and she gave him a swift kick in the stomach. He fell to the ground in pain. When he looked at her he noticed her eyes weren't her usual brown.

"Nadakhan?" Cole said worriedly before closing his eyes and falling into a deep sleep.

He was given one last kick to ensure he was down. Nadakhan who was disguised as Nya, sauntered into Jay's room. Jay shot up but relaxed when he saw that it was only Nya.

"Hey Nya. I thought you had awhile until you switched with Cole" said Jay groggily.

"Well, Cole needed the bathroom so I said I'd take over early. What's that your holding" asked Nya mockingly.

"Oh this? It's my stuffed bear from when I was a kid. Believe it or not, I was terrified of thunderstorms when I was a kid. To "protect" me, my parents bought me this bear. Now with Nadakhan being back, I thought it could give me a little comfort" explained Jay.

"Oh Jay your so funny" said Nya

"You sound a bit off. Are you feelin..."

Before jay could finish Nya climbed on top of him.

"I love it when you tell jokes. Your so funny. You really deserve more credit" whispered Nya.

.Nya gave jay a kissed him on his lips and he suddenly felt weaker. He was falling into a deep sleep. "Nya" turned into nadakhan.

"I told you Jay, I always win" whispered Nadakhan as he took his sword and ripped Jay's stuffed animal in two right in front of his eyes.

Jay not being able to move let a tear fall before succumbing to sleep. With that Nadakhan and Jay disappeared leaving behind an orange dust.

(Kai and Zane come back to the temple)

"Nya, Lloyd, Pythor was taken by Nadakhan" screamed Kai.

Lloyd and Nya rushed in looking as though they just woke up.

"Where is Cole?" Said Lloyd nervously.

They ran to Jay's room and saw Cole passed out in front of the door with chocolate cake smeared on his face. When they opened his door they saw his covers askew and his teddy bear ripped in half. Nya went to pick it up and sobbed into it.

"He's gone" sobbed Nya.

"We'll find him. We better take Cole to the infirmary" said Kai uncertainty.

Cole woke up screaming for Jay. They agreed that it would be best to look for him in the morning. They all laid down but none of them fell asleep.

****hope you all like the fast updates. This story is gonna be more mature. I know I said I'd deal with Master Wu but that will be next chapter hopefully. Again please leave a review and helpful criticism. I wanna you guys to really give me feedback on what's good and what's not. Have a great day guys. See you next season;) (ahem sons of garmadon reference)

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