A Beatdown

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*** I know that I said next Thursday but I really wanted to post this.

"Rise and shine. Nadakhan has jobs for you ninja. The rest of you scum can stay in the brig" yelled a pirate as he hit the brig with a metal bar.

The ninja groaned and stood up. Kai grabbed on to Nya to help support her. Her eyes were bloodshot and she looked exhausted.

"We have to find out where he is hiding the poison and we gotta get through to Jay" whispered Lloyd.

"I know, but it may be hard. Let's lay low so Nadakhan doesn't think we're a threat and when he lowers his guard we will attack". Said Cole.

Lloyd smiled and climbed up.

"Get your ass moving, mighty green ninja" mocked one of the pirates.

When they got out, they were surrounded by pirates on every side. They had vengestone balls and chains.

"Put it on every one of them. Make it tight. Especially on the girl ninja" laughed the pirate.

"If you even think about...." Kai started to say.

"What are you gonna do? You have no powers" laughed the pirate as he tightened Nya's restraint.

"You could laugh now, but you won't be laughing when we kick your ass" yelled Cole.

"I'd watch your tongue, boy. I can easily rip it out of you" threatened the pirate.

He shoved Cole harshly to the ground. Cole was about to punch him when Zane gently pushed his arm down.

"Remember the plan Cole. We can't risk being thrown into the brig" whispered Zane.

Suddenly a beautiful woman with dark hair walked up to them and handed them buckets and mops. She pointed to the ground and walked away. They cleaned the deck for two hours with no breaks.

"We've been at this for awhile. When do we get our break?" complained Kai.

"You get a break when I say" said Jay as he walked around the corner.

The ninja were stunned. He looked empty and enraged. His hair was more wild. None more so than Nya. When she ran up to hug him, he violently pushed her away.

"Don't you F*cking touch my sister" screamed Kai.

Jay walked up to him sword in hand and malice in his eyes and said "or what? Are you gonna beat me up like you always do? Huh? You have no power aboard Nadakhan's ship. It must be so hard for you to see me above you. You never thought I could beat you and now I have. All of you are weak and pathetic. Get back to work or you won't get any water".

Jay walked away, leaving his friends in horror.

"You don't think what he said was true right? Kai, tell me that you don't use him for a punching bag" demanded Lloyd.

Kai aimed his eyes to the ground in shame and said "What he said is true. Jay always seemed like an easy target for my anger. He was smaller than all of us. He never really fought back. I would usually just punch him hard in the shoulder in a "playful" way or go hard on him in training. He always just took it. Whenever I did it, I would always say that I didn't know my own strength. I hate myself for doing that to him".

Nya sent him a withered look and said "well, whatever happened in the past is the past. We have to improve on the future. It still doesn't excuse what you did but, we can't dwell on it. We have more important things to focus on".

About an hour later Nadakhan came to greet them.

"You all don't clean so bad, for a couple of worthless ninjas" mocked Nadakhan.

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