Retrieving the Sword

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****sorry. I'm not great with titles.

All the ninja excluding Jay were seated around the table eating a simple dinner of noodles. They were discussing the days events and their plan to get to the island when Master Wu suddenly interrupted.

"I almost forgot, while you all were gone a letter came for Jay that said Cliff Gordon on it" said Master Wu.

"Who's Cliff Gordon and why would he send Jay mail?" Wondered Kai.

Nya explained that Jay was adopted by the walkers and Cliff is his birth father. She read the letter out loud stating that he died and Jay has inherited all his wealth and his estate.

All of the ninja astounded. They couldn't believe that the Walkers weren't his real parents. They treated him like their own. It took Master Wu slamming his bamboo stick on the table to get them out of their trance.

"How could his father give him up? His own flesh and blood" wondered Cole.

"Jay's mother was the master of lightning and soon after Jay was born, she died in a car crash. Cliff couldn't handle being a father by himself so he asked me to find a good home for him. That's when I met the Walkers. We agreed not to tell Jay until he was older. We thought it was best for him" said Master Wu.

"That's rough. Not knowing your birth parents than getting a letter in the mail saying their dead" said Lloyd sadly.

"Jay's father loved him. He would ask the Walkers and I for daily updates on how he was doing. He regretted his decision every day but knew he couldn't take him away from Ed and Edna. He loved them so much. I've been in contact with him these last few years and he finally worked up the courage to tell jay. I'm sorry to say that it was too late" Master Wu said.

"I guess we all had family issues" stated Zane.

"Did the letter by any chance say anything about a boat" inquired Cole jokingly.

"I don't see any... wait it actually says that he owns a boat called Lightning Speed. It's docked at the south harbor" read Nya.

"We should get going soon. Grab some last minute supplies and be back here in ten minutes" ordered Lloyd.

They all ran off in different directions to pack what they needed. Nya packed some weapons and fruit, Zane grabbed some wires in case he gets damaged, Lloyd packed a compass and blankets, Cole took flashlights and water bottles plus a piece of cake, and Kai grabbed communication devices and a bottle of hair gel. They met downstairs, said goodbye to Master Wu and left. When they got to the pier, they were met with the sight of a drunk man. He gave them the keys without question. When they stepped on board it was very luxurious. It has three room and a wide deck. They put everything below deck and sped off to tiger widow island.

(Now we go to Jay and Nadakhan)

When Jay woke up he was laying on top of Nadakhan. He quickly got off him before he woke a split second later.

"If you even mention what happened last time, I'll be sure to press that button faster than you can say I wish" threatened Nadakhan.

Jay gulped and nodded. He looked around and saw that they were in the tropics. It was beautiful. Suddenly he felt a gun barrel pressed against his head.

"I ain't afraid to shoot you where you stand" said Flintlock.

Jay was about to plead for his life when Nadakhan stepped forward causing him to lower his gun.

"I knew you'd come for me cap'n. Whose the land lover?" Inquired Flintlock.

"This is Jay and he will be a prisoner aboard our ship" said Nadakhan as he glared at Jay.

Jay shrank beneath his gaze and listened to his conversation. He knew that he would have to get Flintlock on his side but he wasn't sure how. He heard them talking about how their ship, misfortune's keep was still floating  in the sea. After spacing out for a few minutes Jay felt a pain on his leg. He realized that the vengestone chain was being put on him again.

"Is this really necessary? You can already kill me with they push of a button, it's not like I'm going to try anything" said Jay angrily.

"I don't need you zapping my crew to death and running off. Also it makes you all the more weak" laughed Nadakhan, followed by a laugh from Flintlock.

Jay angrily turned his back on them hoping they would leave him alone.

"It's time to retrieve monkey wrench, Doubloon, Dogshank, and Clancee" said Nadakhan excitedly.

He used the realm crystal to bring them to the isle. They were all glad to see them.

"Finally we're free. We're ready to serve you captain" declared Dogshank.

"W-were r-ready fo-or our orders. W-who
i-s-s that?" stuttered Clancee.

"I'm glad of your unwavering loyalty. I'll let the boy introduce himself" replied Nadakhan.

Jay had been spacing out for quite a few minutes and didn't realize he was being talked to. Nadakhan pushed him forward.

He yelled "tell them who you are".

"I'm Jay and Nadakhan's prisoner" he spat.

Nadakhan glared at him and turned to talk to his crew.

"Let's talk about more important things. My realm has been destroyed by this ninja and his friends. I want to go to Djinjago to retrieve the sword of souls to take my revenge on the annoying brats" said Nadakhan.

A shiver went down Jay's spine as he heard the word revenge.

"I go where my cap'n goes" declared Flintlock passionately.

They all agreed and were transported to the realm of djins.

When Jay looked around he saw the destruction they caused by destroying djinjago's sister realm, the cursed realm. There were bodies everywhere. He even Felt sorry for what they had done. He observed the emotions of his crew and they all looked devastated. Suddenly he felt himself being pushed to the ground.

"Do you see what you ninja did? I promise you'll pay for all you have done" Nadakhan whispered into his ear.

He threw jay to the side and went to find the sword of souls. Jay rubbed his throbbing shoulder. Jay was left to be guarded by Clancee. He wasn't a very competent pirate but he seemed like the nicest of the crew. He told Jay how he spent the last hundred years swabbing pirate ships. He knew not to run away since Nadakhan could still press the button anytime. When they came back Nadakhan was holding the sword of souls. He broke the teapot and the souls of Pythor and Cyrus Borg, went into the teapot.

Nadakhan held up the sword and realm crystal declaring that it was time to go home to find their ship. Jay cringed at the way he said home. They vanished leaving behind a faint orange dust.

****hope you guys like the chapter. Suggestions for the story are welcomed. Please leave a review and helpful critique.

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