I guess you arent as useless as I thought

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Nadakhan shoved Jay hard into the ground. Jay, weak from the lack of food and water he'd hasn't had had trouble standing up. Nadakhan kicked him down again then pulled up his arm.

"I am going to take off the vengstone ball and chain, but one wrong move and I press the button" threatened Nadakhan.

Jay nodded meekly and once the chains were off, he could feel his strength returning. He thought about zapping Nadakhan but now wasn't the right moment. They walked in silence until they came upon the entrance of Hiroshi's labyrinth.

"Your going to get rid of all the nindroids for me" stated Nadakhan.

"What if I refuse ?" Retorted Jay angrily.

Nadakhan pulled on his arm hard and Jay heard a pop. He instantly felt white hot pain. He let his arm hang limp at his side. Nadakhan shoved him past the bushes into the sight of the nindroids. They immediately lowered their weapons, recognizing Jay as one of the ninja. He gave them a sad look and zapped them with his lightning.

Nadakhan floated next to him and whispered into his ear "good job, junkyard boy".

Jay was fed up. He saw Nadakhan turn around and seeing his chance he punched him hard in the head and took off running. Suddenly he felt something punch him from behind.

"You think that you will be able to escape that easily? You are dumber than I thought you were. I guess I will have to punish you" laughed Nadakhan demonically.

"Whatt ar-are you gonna d-do?" Stuttered Jay.

Nadakhan took his blade and slashed Jay's eye. He let out a blood curdling scream and passed out in pain. He felt himself fall into darkness. He was quickly awoken by Nadakhan. Jay was too weak to move and refused to get up. He shook his head when Nadakhan even threatened to take his other eye out.

"It hurts so bad. Please don't make me go on" sobbed Jay.

Nadakhan felt a moment of pity for the blue ninja but quickly shook the feeling and roared "Get up NOW".

He used his magic to dull some of the pain and clean the wound so it didn't hurt or look as bad. He needed Jay to get the realm crystal and he couldn't risk him dying before he broke him. He threw a black eye patch at his feet.

"Now you'll look like a real pirate. I may even let you join my crew" laughed Nadakhan.

"I would never join a bunch criminals like you, even if my life depended on it" retorted Jay as he placed the eye patch on his eye.

"Well good thing it does. For now I'll let you live, but when the time comes when the pain is too much to bear I'll be there when you wish it away. Now let's get back to retrieving the realm crystal" cackled Nadakhan.

They walked back to the entrance of Hiroshi's labyrinth. Bodies of metal littered the ground. It made Jay cringe to see the destruction he caused, but something about what he did made him feel powerful. He quickly shook the thought questioning why he would even think that. They came to the next step in order to get the crystal. It had flame shooters and and shurikens coming from every direction.

"Well after you funny man" said Nadakhan.

It looked just like the training course. He's done it a thousand times and it shouldn't be any problem. He was still sore but knew his life depended on him retrieving the realm crystal. He bent his body in a way most could not. He ducked under the flame throwers and jumped over the shurikens. He used his lightning to destroy the weapons. Nadakhan casually floated past. Jay glared at him and Nadakhan looked like he was about to take Jay's other eye out but decided to let it go. The next task was the walls closing in. Jay quickly took Nadakhan's sword and jammed it into the circuits and used his lightning to short out the fuse. Now they finally made it to the realm crystal. When Jay touched it, he felt a surge of power go through him. He felt rejuvenated and even his eye stopped bothering him. Suddenly the place started to collapse. Nadakhan quickly grabbed onto Jay and got them out of there.

"Not bad. I guess you aren't as useless as I thought, junk yard boy" said Nadakhan.

"Thanks I guess, asshole" whispered Jay quietly enough so that Nadakhan couldn't hear.

When they teleported outside they were met with five angry ninjas. Jay was relieved and almost cried. When he took a step in their direction Nadakhan grabbed onto his ninja gi.

Cole noticing the eye patch screamed "what did you do to him you monster"?

"Nadakhan, I wish you weren't a dji..."

Before Nya could finish jay screamed

"Don't do that he said sadly. Nadakhan put a chip on the back of my neck that contains poison. If you wish him away he'll press the button and the poison will be released into my blood stream. I'll be killed almost instantly" cried Jay.

Nadakhan stood proudly with his arms crossed over his chest. The ninja stared horrified at him.

"What do you want Nadakhan?" Is it power, land, or riches" begged Kai.

"I want to see him break. No matter how long it takes I'll have Jay begging for death" declared Nadakhan as he pressed a sword closer to his neck.

"Please" begged Nya with tears in her eyes.

Nadakhan held up the realm crystal and it started to glow. Jay started to cry and tried to run to his friends but to no avail. Right before they disappeared Lloyd ran to them but was too late. He clawed at the ground and let out a scream. Zane put a comforting hand on his back.

"We'll never get Jay back" cried Cole.

"What if we went to tiger widow island to get the poison. It worked last time. We just have to keep it from getting on one of us (Nya shivered at the memory of the poison on herself). It could incapacitate him long enough for us to wish him away and rescue jay" suggested Nya.

"That could work. Let's go back to the temple to get supplies and tell Master Wu" stated Kai.

They took off on their dragons with a new sense of determination.

****this is a shorter chapter but I hope you guys like it. I seriously want feed back and I'm getting a little annoyed that there hasn't been. Please leave a review and leave a helpful critique. Have a great day:)

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