A New Plan

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****Hey Guys!!! I'm sorry this is so late.  So the next update may be a little weird due to the holiday of Passover (really fun holiday. It's too hard to explain the whole story so watch the Prince of Egypt/Ten Commandments to get the basic idea). I may not be able to update until the second of April. So I'll try to update right before it begins since I cannot use electronics. Okay sorry to bore you with all that but here's the chapter. Also if you guys see any spelling errors let me know in the comments because I'm too tired to look through it now.

The next morning, the ninja woke up at exhausted. Remembering the previous night, they all winced at the memory. The picture of Olivia was still fresh in their mind and they could never forget how awful it was to see that picture.

"We better leave before Mrs.Walker gets up" grumbled Kai.

"It would be best for us to go" agreed Master Wu.

They quietly walked out of Jay's room and instantly smelled waffles. When they made their way to the kitchen, the ninja saw eight plates of waffles with blueberries waiting for them.

"She was so mad at us last night. I'm surprised she did this for us" said Skylor thoughtfully.

"It seems that she has forgiven" said Kai.

The ninja, Skylor, master Wu, and Misako ate greedily.

"Man, that was delicious" said Cole as he rubbed his stomach.

"I see where Jay gets his skill in making waffles" laughed Nya.

"We'd better get back in the air. I'm tired of Nadakhan's games. I want to end this" said Lloyd.

"I agree. I think it would be best to look tonight and use our stealth to our advantage" said Zane.

"Would you guys mind dropping me back at my restaurant?" questioned Skylor.

"Are you sure? I think you'd make a nice addition to the team" said Kai.

Cole blew him a kiss and started to snicker.

"Thanks Kai. I think I'd be best on the ground. Bring a ninja is your thing. Maybe one day" said Skylor.

They got on the bounty but before they left, Zane left a note promising that would find jay.

That traveled high above the clouds so that they would be hidden. The wind whipped all around them. It felt cool on Nya's face as she remembered when Jay and herself created their hybrid dragon. Riding on it was exhilarating. She never felt more free.

Suddenly Skylor's voice interrupted her thoughts. "Well it looks like this is my stop" she said.

Skylor went over and hugged Kai. They shared a quick kiss and she jumped down. The rest of the afternoon was spent planning. They were finally  able to locate Nadakhan's ship with the help of the police commissioner and decided that they would approach the ship at 3 am to make sure everyone is asleep. They spent the next few hours sleeping while Master Wu meditated.

(Now we go to Jay)

Jay spent the whole day ignoring everyone. They tried to approach him but he would just walk away. The silence was becoming maddening for him. When no one was around he would secretly talk to himself. He even found some scrap paper to write about his feelings. It helped him get his frustration out and he shoved the note in his pocket.

Nadakhan ignored him all day but did instruct a pirate to attach a new device to him. It was a small device that was attached to his neck and was programmed to deliver a painful shock if he dozed off. Pretty ironic since he is the lightning ninja. Every few minutes the pirates would take the controls and shock Jay until he fell on the floor in pain.

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