Fated Meeting

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Layla P.O.V.

"Dad what do you mean we're moving? We just moved here a month ago and I made some good friends. I'm not going with you and you can't make me." I yelled

"Layla this is for the sake of the family not by choice. If we weren't being targeted we'd stay, but since they killed my brother and gramps we have to go now. If I have to I will put you to sleep and then put you in the car. Your choice."

"For today I'll comply, but just so you know we could've killed them before they got to us."

"We probably could have, but I'm a parent before I'm a warrior. Family is first before all else. Now go pack your clothes and tell your friends goodbye."


Third Person P.O.V.

They moved out of the house swiftly with their bags in hand to the car. They were on the road in under 20 minutes.
The fog settled in pretty thick as they went further up north. I forgot to tell my dad about the guy I met thought Layla. I hope he won't be mad that I told him where we we're going. The fog is finally dissipating and the moon is as clear as day said the mother. Annabel was trying to wake up her youngest son to show him the view outside. Jake woke up shortly wanting to know what's up. Annabel showed him their surroundings and Jake was in awe. They don't suspect a thing thanks to that girl, and her manipulative mind I will get to kill them he laughed menacingly. He pulled out his sniper rifle and scope. As soon as they passed his line of sight he shot a 20 caliber bullet into the back left tire. Which caused them to spin out of control and hit the wolf that was siting in the middle of the road. The car came to a much needed stop a few seconds later.

David's P.O.V.
"What song do you guys want to listen to." "Lazy song by Bruno Mars" Layla replied. "Ok I think I can manage that" I smiled, my daughter takes after Annabel. At least Jake is a little like me.

The next thing I knew the tire blew out and we were flipping down the road towards a wolf in the road. I tried as best as I could to avoid it, but we collided with the wolf. After I regained my senses I looked around and checked if my family was okay. "Is anyone hurt?" They replied a no but they are still a little dizzy. How could this have happened I was so careful to not let anyone know we were leaving. I'll have to ask the kids later. I have to neutralize this threat.

??? P.O.V.
That was easy now time to finish the job and get paid. My favorite part of the job is up: killing for the fun of it.

Here's a chapter for the people that actually like my writing. So thanks.

Like and comment if you want plus it helps motivate me to write more. 😊

Chapters will be longer and more put together later, if you don't understand something please let me know

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