His Mate??

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Jake's P. O. V.

As soon as I stepped out of my truck I was swarmed by a bunch of girls wanting the goods. Just kidding they wanted to know where I came from, and why I chose quaint little town. I told them that I was just passing through hoping to find a reason to stay. I smirk knowingly at there sweet awed faces. I maneuver past them up to the school doors. I walk to the office and grab my schedule, I won't need a locker because I only gave 4 classes. I love being a senior. Now on to my trigonometry class which is on the third floor. Where are the stairs? Just as I'm about to walk back to the office I bump into someone knocking their things out of their hands. I fumble dumbly over my apology as I try to pick their things up.

As I look up I'm mesmerized by her beauty that I forget I'm holding her stuff. "Excuse me if your done staring can I get my things back I really don't want to be late to my class." "Oh yeah, here you go. By the way do you know how to get to the trigonometry class on the third floor?" I ask shyly. She nods and says she's heading there so I follow her to an elevator. We get in and I notice it has four levels to this school. Who built this high school this way? And why? I mentally take notes of my surroundings as we exit the elevator.

"Mr. Terry doesn't let people in after the bell rings so we have to hurry or we won't get in." Just as we pass through our classroom door the bell rings signaling the beginning of class. I hurriedly find a seat in the back of the class. I hardly pay attention to the teacher because I can't get that girl out of my head and it doesn't help that she sits right in front of me.

She smells like liliacs and burnt marshmallows and odd but alluring scent. I'm captivated again when she answers a question flawlessly and without hesitation. More minutes pass and I realize I don't even know her name. I write on a piece of paper and slide it to her just as the bell rings. She turns around and says

"My name's Meghan what's yours?" "It's Jake, hey do you wanna hangout out after school, I want to get to know you more." "Only if you drive and get me home on time." She says smiling. I smile back and we head to our next class, apparently we have all the same classes together.

After second period we have our free period. Meghan shows me all the school has to offer then we just hung out in the lounge room. We talked about anything and everything until the bell rung signaling free period was over. We head to our next class content with each other's presence. Well I was content with her. I know now that she is definitely my mate. Oh how long I've waited for her. I'll see after school if she knows we're mates and if she is a wolf or another animal.

After my 3rd class I'm ready to leave school and just get to know my mate. Finally the bell rings ending school. I immediately start heading to Meghan hoping she's ready to go.

"You ready for the time of our life. " I say mocking a British accent "Very much so sir" she says in a British tone. We have a curt laugh then head to my car. I don't have a plan at all of where we're going but it has to be private. "Do you know any secluded areas that people rarely visit." "I believe that there is a cliff with a forest behind just past the turnpike here." "Onward to destiny I say how about you." "Forward but not backward I say."

After our little theater session we arrived at a beautiful clearing just before the cliff. I get out of the car and swiftly open her door bowing my head as she climbs out of my car. "Why thank you kind sir" "It is an absolute pleasure my queen." Her face is as ripe as a tomato. My heart does a slight flip at her actions. I calmly grab her hand and gave it a quick peck, showing my affection for her. If it's possible her face gets a deeper shade of red. "I dare you to jump off the cliff with me" She looked at me shocked but said "You're on" "Clothes or no clothes" I ask and she shrugs, then starts taking off her shirt slowly and man was I getting turned on.

I can't wait to hit the water. I quickly look away and strip to my boxers. I ask "are you done?" And she says yes. I turn around and I'm awestruck by her beauty, her skin is flawless and looks so soft. She starts to blush under my gaze so I hold her hand and say let's go. She nods and we run and jump off the cliff together. The impact itself could kill a human, but I knew she wasn't human by the way her eyes shifted colors to gold as she looked off the cliff. "Aye let's go to the shore I'm getting kinda hungry, and I have to ask you something." "Make it quick because I'm starving too. "

"Ok so are you a werewolf or a purebred" she looked at me and smirked "I'm a werewolf I was turned six years ago during a snowstorm. After I first changed my family was terrified of me, my dad even got his shotgun and said I was of the devil."
I was stunned and angry all at once so I hugged her conveying all the love and warmth I had for her. "I will never let anyone hurt you even if it's the last thing I do because I love you so much already." She was crying her eyes out when I was done, holding on to me like I was her life line in this dreadful sea of life. I am her haven as she is mine.

Sorry for the late update I couldn't decide on how to end it.
Hope you like it.

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