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Sadie P. O. V.

Layla must've thought I was sleep because it's completely dark outside and I'm alone in this guest room. I get up from my meditating position and stretch my body out. A few bones crack and I know I'm done stretching. I look at the door to the hallway and see it's shut. The only way to open it is with thumbs and height. I know my Lycan form will do the job just fine.

The air inside the room became still as my bones broke and grew through old skin and fur. I was now at a height of 6'2 a complete monster compared to my puppy form. I crack the door open enough for my smaller form to get through.

My bones cracked and twisted again for the second time today. Instead of growing they shrunk at an alarming rate. Which hurt like hell, because I'm not use to shrinking at that speed. As soon as I finished transforming I bolted through the open door and headed for Layla.

Although the hallway was completely pitch black I could see clearly. The walls were bare, but the hardwood floor seemed freshly polished. After looking around some more I turned my nose down like a hound would do and sniffed for Layla's scent. I found her scent in a matter of seconds, her smell was sweet but also tangy. The smell of oranges, lemons and raspberry invaded my nostrils and quickened my heart rate. Just smelling it could turn my insides to jelly. I was in love with her smell already even though I barely knew her.

Her scent enveloped me so much that I couldn't think straight, but I didn't have to think much because my nose lead me where my head needed to be. Her scent led me to a cracked door that I believe was her room. I pushed the door open with my head and opened it way more than I wanted, so I walked inside and closed the door back. I made sure my movements were quiet as I went around her room. It was so dark that I could barely see with my natural eyes, but with my enhanced senses I could see her silhouette laying down on the bed. My legs moved before I even knew, and seconds later I was curled into her side basking in her scent and her warmth. That night I rested so well that I ended up sleeping for at least 12 hours.


Layla P. O. V.

My senses are overloaded but I feel oddly calm and peaceful. It must be the new house and how safe I feel.

Beep Beep Beep

Before the alarm even starts again, I smash the dismiss button. I look at the clock and it says 6:45 am. Why do they want us to wake up so early for school. I hate leaving my bed early in the morning. I pull the covers off my body ready to bounce out of bed, but their is a heavy weight on my legs preventing me from making any moves with them without throwing it.

I'm still very sleepy so I look slowly to prepare myself to whatever is on my legs. As soon as I see Sadie laying down on my legs I'm over taken with joy that it's her and not something weird. My heart flutters at the sight of how peaceful she looks that I can't find myself to move her off me. In fact I want her closer to me. So I picked her up so gently I amazed myself to how gentle it was. I layed her on my chest, and closed my eyes for another five minutes just to be asleep with her.

"Time to get your lazy ass up little sister!" Jake stated while banging on my door.

"I'm up you ass, so stop your yelling." I sit up slowly and my heart drops a little at the thought that Sadie already left my bed. I look beside my bed and I'm relived that she's just stretching and has not left me alone. I don't know what's happened to me but I can't be away from her to long or else I get mentally sick. I hope this doesn't last forever I want to be able to live my life but not hindered with sickness.
"Sadie, how about we go to the park later after I get out of school." I can see a mysterious glint in her eyes but I don't understand what it means. I must look a little confused because she jumps in my lap and howls a small one but loud enough to reassure me.

I finally get out of bed and get ready for school. I let Sadie out the bedroom door so she can get some food and go outside to use the bathroom.

"Dad can you feed Sadie and let her outside." I yell down the stairs

"Sure thing kiddo, and your breakfast is down here as well. Hurry up and get dressed before it gets cold."

"Sir yes sir" I reply mockingly.

Sadie P. O. V.
My heart fills so full compared to when I left my homeland. Those years I wasn't allowed to be a true member of the pack took its toll on me. I'm glad I left but sad that my mom didn't want me to stay. I know with my destiny and all but seriously, my mom barely looked my way as I left. I hope this family won't abandon me the way my other pack did.

I barely register the tears coming down my eyes and dripping into my food bowl. I slowly sniffled and pushed the bowl aside no longer happy about eating. Across the room I see Layla leaving to go to school. I'm a little saddened that she didn't say goodbye, but I'm a total hypocrite because I decided to leave last night and didn't tell her either. She won't miss me that much though, and I'll only be gone for at least 2 days max.

David opens the back door and ushers me outside.

"I'll come back for you later, so don't go to far but have fun." He says quietly. I bark in response and trot away.

The wind is blowing fiercely today. I can barely keep myself from flying away with it. The harder it blows the harder my claws dig into the ground for support. I'm about 5 hours away from Layla and I'm getting light headed at the thought of being further from her. It can't be helped though. I look towards the top of the mountain and see the peak that I need to reach.

My mother once told me that if I ever needed answers about who or what I am, that I was supposed to come to this mountain range and howl as loud as I can. I look up again as I feel a shift in the mountain and notice that a boulder is hurtling towards me.

More pieces of the mountain fall closer to me as I reach the top. I avoid them all with quick leaps and side steps. One falling piece is so big that it takes the bridge that I'm crossing away with it to the bottom of the mountain. With the bridge gone and the snow picking up its pace I figure it's time to either retreat back down the mountain or forget my fears and make the jump across.

I decided on the latter. I go into my lycan form and take about ten steps back so I can get a good running start.
The wind is brushing through my new furry form at this height as I leap across.  My arms start flailing and I take a glimpse around and see the forest bustling with life. I nearly missed the side of the cliff during my glimpse. I land with one hand gripping the other side of the mountain halting my demise.
I deftly pull myself up and calm my racing heart before I collapse from over exertion.
"Awoooo Aw Aw Awooo" I holler happy that I can continue my journey.

"I need to find a different route back, I don't think I'll make it across a second time." I huff at my own incompetence.

I know it's been forever since I last updated anything. I wanted to change my writing style a bit, but then I didn't like it. This is the new writing style let me know what you think, I will always appreciate constructive criticism of my work.

P. S.
Hopefully I'll update some more before Christmas.

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