Untold truths

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Annabels P. O. V.

20 years ago....
"Mommy it's so hawwwt! Can I go swimming with the other kids outside?" Said my darling daughter. "No sweetie not today because you don't know how to swim and I don't know if anyone will be able to watch you play. How about we go get ice cream instead and you can get 3 scoops this time. I said cheerfully. She just squealed and ran around yelling ice cream and I couldn't help but laugh at how adorable she is. "Let's go get daddy so he won't feel left out."

"Ok mommy lets go, we don't want all the ice cream to melt." I just smiled at how cute she was. I love my daughter so much I don't think I'd be able to deal with losing her. No parent should. We found David in his office finishing up some work. "Come on daddy Ice cream time." She beamed at him while he and I smiled at her. "Do you know what flavors you want to pick yet?" He asked while giving her a piggy back ride to our little Subaru. "I want all of the flavors daddy" I giggled at that. "Are you sure you can eat all that, you don't wanna get a tummy ache do you?" I asked knowingly. "Mommy I would gladly take a tummy ache from eating all ice cream." We all laughed at that.

(Not an endorsement but it's noteworthy)

"Mommy can you play that song I love pretty please?" "Yes I can sweetheart." I said happily. R.E.S.P.E.C.T. was always loved by Sophia no matter how many times I'd play it she'd want to listen over and over again, and I would play it just to make her happy.

"Alright we're here kiddo" Sophia jumped out of the car at those words and ran right in to the parlor . "Aye kiddo you have to wait on us to get you out of the car. You never know what might happen." David said but Sophia wasn't listening she was too entranced by the different flavors and toppings to care about her safety. "Daddy can I get rocky road, and vanilla with caramel on top." She looked at him with her puppy dog eyes that she knew he couldn't resist. "Don't you think it'll be a little to sweet" said the ice cream server. "That's okay I love sweets" Sophia chuckled. Her dad reluctantly let the boy give her what she wanted. She will always be his little girl who'd always smile at the simplest things. It always made his day when she smiled or laughed in her own beautiful way.

"How about tomorrow we go to the swimming hole. We can have a picnic and even set up a tent for the night." David said excited he would be spending time with his family and not at some business meeting. "I want to go today daddy, why do we wait?" "Because I will have everything prepared by then, if we went now it wouldn't be as exciting." David said stalling. I knew then that I was the one to convince her.

"Sweetie, you know tomorrow we will have a lot more time to spend at the watering hole. The sun's going to set in an hour or so. It's time to get you home and ready for dinner and bed." "Awwe do I have to?" "Yes I'm afraid so pup." David said


Sophia's P. O. V.
I really wanted to go to the watering hole because my friend Peter would be there. He leaves town tomorrow and I won't see him again. I wish there was a way for me to see him.

"Mommy can you tell me a story about the wolves again"

"Sure" mommy said smiling at me. Then she asked me if I brushed my teeth long enough to ensure all the sugar was gone. "Yasss ma, now story time" I pleaded. She laughed and said ok sweetie. Not before making sure I was tucked in tightly and comfortable.

"Where do I begin, ah yes, with the hunt in the forest." "As soon as there paws touched the surface of the earth, the bunny knew that it would either be the food for them or they will go hungry. The bunny hopped over branches and leaves careful to not make a sound or leave a mark, but the wolves knew how the rabbit would think and so they split up to corner their prey near a tree with hole so it could feel safe just before they tore into it. The wolves also knew that everything tastes better after a workout and relaxation. "

As soon as the rabbit came near the tree that had been predetermined a wolf being cocky snatched at its tail and bit one of its hind legs. Before the rabbit could be further destroyed the alpha himself in all his glory appeared before them tearing the wolf's mouth from the rabbits leg. The cocky wolf knew at that moment he would either starve for the next few winters or be killed on the spot for disobeying a direct order of not attacking until it was safely tucked away.

The cocky wolf bowed submissively to the alpha awaiting punishment but all the alpha did was howl and push his head in the ground. This signifies that that wolf was no longer apart of the pack. And that he would no longer be in line for the title alpha of the purebloods.

"The omega ran away in shame never to be seen by them again. The rabbit though, saw how they treated that wolf and followed it. One night the rabbit went to the wolf and said "if you truly wish to be alpha, then guide me to my family and do not deceive others of your potential and true nature." The wolf hated the idea of this quest because he had to be his self and that would be taxing on his stamina. This quest would indeed be long and perilous but the wolf had hope and with his slightly bruised ego he agreed to the rabbits terms."


Third P. O. V.
Annabel looked towards her daughter that was sound asleep before the story concluded. She pulled the covers up, kissed her daughter goodnight and wished her sweet dreams. Annabel quietly left the room to go get herself ready for bed.

As Sophia slept her friend Peter had come to wake her. Peter crept slowly into her room and shook her awake. Sophia awoke with fright but soon realized it was her friend Peter and he wanted to play. Peter rarely took no for an answer, so when she didn't show up today he was furious and out for blood. Although he did not show it. Jack asked her why she didn't show up for there play date. Sophia simply told him the truth and Jack became angry with her parents but his was still a mask to his emotions.

Jack tells Sophia that it's time to play a game of hide and seek. Sophia tells him that they can't play in the house because of her parents. Jack suggests that they play outside near the lake. Sophia hesitantly agrees and tells Jack that she has to be back before her parents notice. Jack promises to bring her back when they are through.

They go out the window and race each other to the lake. When they reach the lake Jack tells her to hide so he can find her.

Sophia not knowing his true intentions did exactly what he said. Jack counted out loud for her. When he hit 100 he immediately started searching for his playmate. He found her seconds later in a nearby bush. He grabbed her by the neck and said this is to teach your parents a lesson for not letting me see you. They will never see you again. He dragged her to the lake as she was crying and begging him to take her home. He completely ignored the young girls pleas. He submerged her underwater for a good few seconds then brought her back up to drown her completely the next time. When her life force was about to reach the heavens he jumped up and swallowed it for safekeeping. After he finished storing her soul away he left her body floating in the lake.

It was David who discovered their daughter was missing. He quickly called to his wife and then turned to his wolf to search for her scent. He quickly realized that she wasn't very far away. He started to get less worried, but when he arrives at the lake he roared so loud in agony that the whole town quaked in fear. The next to discover her body was Annabel and her wail was just as loud or maybe even louder. They could do nothing but hold their daughter and cry at their loss. They vowed to find and kill the bastard that did this.

Sorry it took forever. At the end it gets kind of fuzzy I will go back and edit it later. But here it is. Like, vote, and comment.

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