You Have a Mental Disorder

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SI'm really sorry if these offend anyone, please don't hate me...

Zayn (17): Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

    You frown, staring at the living room of Zayn's flat. In the last four years, you had developed OCD, a fact that you and your family had neglected to inform Zayn of. Now, you were going to be living with Zayn, as you had graduated early but wanted a year to decide what you wanted to study in University.

   "It's all wrong," you mumble, staring at the imperfect placement of items everywhere in the flat. You looked around, knowing Zayn would be angry if you changed things without asking him. You made a split-second decision, knowing Zayn would be at the studio all day, and began to reorganize the flat.

   Six hours later, Zayn walks through the door to a completely orderly flat. The only places you left alone were his art room and his bedroom, but it worries you to know things were not neat there. "Woah," he said, "What happened?" You sheepishly poke your head into the living room, where he is staring at the reorganized shelf of family photos. What had once been a random clutter of photos was now organized by subject, with the tallest pictures in the back, and shortest in the front.

   He picks up an old photo of Waliyha, smiling and setting it down randomly. You race into the room, muttering about imperfections, and snatch the picture up. Quickly, you place it in exactly the same position it was in before, cautiously examining the other pictures to make sure they look alright.

   Zayn stares at you incredulously. "What was that?" he asks, an idea forming in the back of his mind. You bite your lip, cross your arms (right over left), and look down at your bare feet, with their pristinely painted red toenails.

   "I have OCD," you admit, "And your flat was agitating me. I'm sorry." Zayn smiles.

   "It's okay, (Y/N)," he tells you, hugging you gently, "I guess we'll just have to be careful, and let you be in charge of organization when you go on tour with us in a couple of months." You look up, smiling hugely.

   "Really?" you ask, excitement on the edges of your voice. Zayn nods, and you hug him tightly. "Z," you say into his chest.

   "Hmm?" he hums in response, from where his nose is buried in your hair.

   "Can I fix up your bedroom and art room?" you ask, worriedly. He chuckles, and nods, leading you up the stairs.

Harry (14)Bulimia Nervosa

   You clutch the side of the toilet bowel with one hand, hair and toothbrush in the other. You finish vomiting, and pull away, wiping your mouth in relief. You quickly wash the end of the toothbrush, which you had stuck down your throat, and brush your teeth. Then you flush the toilet, place the toothbrush in your purse, and walk out of the bathroom, back to the backstage of your brother's concert.

    You settle in next to Calum of 5 Seconds of Summer, popping a Listerine breath square into your mouth, just in case. Calum is narrowing his eyes in suspicion. "What?" You ask, giving a fake smile. He shrugs, turning back to watch One Direction run about on stage. When their next costume change comes up, he grabs your hand.

   "Come with me," he says. You pull away, demanding to know why.

   "Relax," he says, "We're just visiting Harry." You smile, and follow him to Harry's dressing room. As soon as you get there, you are ambushed by all five of the One Direction lads, as well as the other three remaining members of 5SoS.

   "Eat this," Niall demands, forcing a sandwich into your hands. You shrug, and take a huge bite.

   "Mmm," you say around the mouthful of ham, bread and cheese. You give a thumbs up, though you are mentally gagging at the amount of food you just put into your system. The boys exchange glances. 

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