Your Fandom Feels

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Zayn (13): Marvel

        The boys were at a press thing - you didn't particularly care what it actually was - and had left you on the tour bus alone, with one of the security gaurds. The two of you had become fast friends when you realized you had a shared interest - Marvel. Both of you were obsessed. You and Zayn had gotten into many an argument about whether or not Batman was as good as any of the Avengers (he wasn't), and Louis had argued with you for an hour over the merits of Superman.

        When the boys got back, you were perched on the edge of your seat, watching Captain America: The Winter Soldier for the third time, the two of you already having watched The Avengers, Fantastic Four, and Iron Man. The gaurd sighed when she saw the boys coming in, knowing it was time for her to leave. She bade you goodbye, which you returned without really paying attention, too engrossed in the movie.

        The boys left you be on the couch, while they changed into more comfortable clothes and discussed dinner plans. Suddenly, you let out a strangled cry, and began to sob. Your brother raced into the main living area, looking frantic. (AN: If you haven't seen Winter Soldier then... SPOILER ALERT!!)

           "(Y/N)!" he cried, when he saw you curled up on the couch and crying. Zayn hurried over to your side and wrapped his arms around you. "What's wrong, boo?" You sniffled.

        "Fury!" you cried out, burying your face into your pillow. Zayn looked confused, before he glanced up at the television. Director Nick Fury had just "died" in the movie. The other boys had gathered in the area. Louis was the first to speak up.

        "Haven't you seen this already?" he asked, sounding confused. You nodded. "Then you know what happens, right?" 

        "It still hurts!" you yell, breaking free from your brother's grasp. The boys shared clueless looks, but you just hurried to the kitchen. You returned only a moment later with a bowl of popcorn (much to Niall's dismay, as he had made it for himself) and settled back on the couch, watching the movie and continuing to cry.

Harry (13): Harry Potter

        You had been obsessed with the Harry Potter movies since you were seven years old, and you realized the hero had the same name as your personal hero - your older brother, Harry. However - and you were ashamed to admit it - you had never read the books. This summer you had changed that. You had gobbled the books up, according to your mum, finishing all seven in two weeks - od, because you weren't a particularly avid reader. When you were done, you were unable to react. It was over for you now, all the movies had been watched and the books had been read. You spent hours in the three months since on the internet, pouring through websites and Facebook fan pages, following dozens of Potter related Tumblr blogs, Instagram accounts, and Twitter profiles. One thing you had not discovered, however, was Pottermore.

        You didn't realize that your brother was home for a visit one day, when you stormed into the housesopping wet. Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince was tucked safely under your arm, protected from the downpour outside. "Mum!" you cried, kicking off your shoes and throwing off your coat by the door, "Would you say that Harry died?" 

        Your mum, now used to your random questions about Harry Potter, called back from the kitchen. "No, dear, I think he was never really dead. Something about love, right?" You sigh, whipping out your phone to tell your best (and equally obsessed) friend, Emma, your mother's opinion. You hurried into the kitchen, and placed your book on the counter, before digging around for your pack of Oreos.

        "I think Harry died, but he came back to life," you inform her, "I think there's no way he could have really survived twice. I still can't believe she killed off the main character." Your mother shrugs, turning back to her cooking. She rolls her eyes the minute her back is turned, but a small smile graces her lips.

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