What Happened? (Niam)

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Niall (12):

        "Hey, love?" called Niall, wandering into your bedroom. It was a mess, with books, movies, clothes and games strewn everywhere. He nearly tripped over your laptop, lying in front of your bed on the ground.

        "Yeah, Ni?" you asked from the closet.

        "I was going to ask you whether you wanted to hang out with Harry or with Zayn while I'm recording but...what happened in here?" You lean out of the closet, smiling sheepishly.

        "I, um," you stutter. Niall shakes his head, and leans down, picking up a white t-shirt from the ground. He raises an eyebrow, when he sees that the size is much too big for you. He examines it more closely and then glares over at you.

        "Isn't this mine?" he questions, holding the shirt out towards you. You nod.

        "Sorry," you mumble, "It was comfortable." He sighs, ruffling your brown hair. You glare up at him, and fix it, combing through the locks with your fingers.

        "I'll forgive you after you clean up this room," he announces, and you sigh dramatically, and begin to clean the mess.

Liam (16):

        "Story of my life, I take her home..." Liam sang as he placed food on the table. Zayn, who had stopped by for dinner, was already seated. "(Y/N)," your brother called, peering out of the dining room, "Dinner time!"

        Five minutes passed, and you still hadn't appeared. "(Y/N)?" Liam called again, "Please come eat, love." You still didn't appear, and Liam grew worried. After a minute's debate with Zayn, he decided to check your room. When he arrived, you weren't there, which was odd since he hadn't seen or heard you leave the house. The window, however, was hanging open, swinging softly in the night air.

        Liam stormed back into the dining room. "Lemme guess," Zayn said, standing and walking towards the front door, "She snuck out." Liam nodded, and threw on his jacket, before the two boys left to search for you.

        About ten minutes after he left the house, there was a call for Liam on his cell phone. "Hello, I am Officer Franklin. Is this Mr. Liam Payne?" said a man on the other end.

        "Yes sir, I am," said Liam, politely.

         "Are you the gaurdian of (Y/N) Payne?" Liam raised an eyebrow, and answered with a yes. The officer related this news to someone on his end, before returning to the man waiting for news. "Are you able to pick her up from the station?" Liam's eyes widened, and he mouthed 'the police' to Zayn. 

        "Yes, of course," Liam replied, "Is my sister okay? What happened?" 

        "Well, Mr. Payne, it's a long story, it seems. Perhaps we should wait until you are here to talk about this."

Meeehhh, didn't really like these. I mean, they're okay but... yeah. Vote and comment and follow though! Rawr berry munch!

Hanna xx

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