1. That promotion at work will be mine! If I’m lucky, it will be accompanied with a big fat raise and my very own administrative assistant. The raise will be so huge, I’ll gasp at the amount.
2. My big fat raise will allow me to get a new car, like a Mercedes or a Ferrari. Yes – wishful thinking, but that’s the point, right? At the very least, my poor civic will last a while longer so that I don’t have to take on a car payment again since the civic is paid off.
3. I will date more and in the process become a sensational sex goddess. My moves will be legendary and men will flock to me in order to pay witness to my mad skills.
4. I will make a ton of new friends and my social calendar will be so full I’ll have to “pencil people in”.
5. My landlord will finally sell my house to me like she’s been promising. No less than fifty percent of my rent will be applied to the purchase price. I’ll finally invest money into it and decorate it how I want to because it will be all mine.
6. I will try new things. An exciting new opportunity will come my way and instead of overthinking things like I tend to do, I will give it a chance. Dive in with both feet.
7. I’ll make at least one unexpected trip to visit my parents and bring them a piece of good news about me (based on your majesty having granted these wishes).
8. I will make more time for the things I love but never do, like reading, going to concerts, picnics in the park and the movies. But if it’s the movies, I will try to not devour an x-large popcorn, soda and candy – by myself.
9. My friendship with Mischa will get deeper and stronger.
10. Most importantly, I’ll find the man of my dreams, my soul mate – my other half. Of course, that’s after accomplishing #3 so that I can keep him once I find him!