Chapter 1: Business Trip? Not.

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-Airport, August 23 6:30 PM-

"Edla, would you please hurry up? We are going to miss our plane if you do not hurry!"

"S-Sorry, Miles.. I was caught up with something for a bit."

"Well, that does not matter now. Just hurry and aboard the plane." says Miles irritated.

Hi! The name's Mina Edla! The irritated prosecutor would be Miles Edgeworth! I'm his assistant. We are going on a business trip for who knows what! He hasn't told me yet either.. Even though he can be quiet grumpy at times, he "can" be a nice guy sometimes.

"Man, I'm tired.." I say as I plop down on the seat.

"You would be less exhausted if you thought of being ready earlier." said Miles.

"What is this business trip about anyway?" I asked.




"Are you going to just keep this a secret from me now?"

"I wouldn't necessarily say it would be a secret."

"But Miiiiles, you won't even tell me what it is about! So technically it is a secret.."

"..You will find out soon enough, Edla." finally says Miles.

Then there was complete silence. I didn't have anything else to say, so I closed my eyes and start to daydream. After what seemed to be a while, I opened my eyes to see Miles sleeping. Aww, Edgey looks cute when he's sleeping. What, wait? Anyways, I looked out the same plane window and I noticed it was night time. I didn't want to bother him, after all he does deserve his sleep. He's a workaholic, or in other words, he works all day and everyday.

I decided it would be best if I just read the iFly magazine than bother him.

---Couple minutes later---

-iFly Airplane, August 24 4:30 AM-

Argh. I finished reading the magazine, to reading the whole thing, to reading all the advertisements there was. I decided to go to the lounge And see if I could entertain my self there.

No one else was at the lounge but myself, so I got myself some grape juice then sat down on a chair next to the table.

"Hmm.. If this is a business trip, then what would it be about?"

I got out my notepad and started to think of somethings.


•Miles would usually go on business trips alone.

•Miles would usually say what the business trip would be about.

"Ugh, if only I had evidence to know what he is planning.."

I started to get bored and started to draw the mascot for iFly. After what seemed to be a couple of minutes, or over 30 minutes, I started to yawn.

"Ehh, I'm getting tired.. I should probably get back towards my seat."

I went towards the elevator with my pencil and placing my notepad in my bag. The elevator door opens, and I could believe my eyes.

There was a dead, and I mean a DEAD body in the elevator. I was complete shocked as if I couldn't move! Until one of the flight attendants came.

"..What seems to be the pro- Eeeeeeeek!"

"Murderer!" yelled the flight attendant.

"No! You've got all wrong!" I said.

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