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"Hm, Avery, this is very interesting."

I was on my hands and knees on the bed, filled to the very brink. Harry's penis was lodged deep in my throat, rendering me speechless except for the gags that passed here and there, and he was using the power of the shadows that could bind me to penetrate me from both holes from behind - all at once. I was utterly overwhelmed, and I was being played with, as if I was nothing but a mere toy.

"Use more of your teeth," Harry instructed.

Honestly, I couldn't even focus. I paid no attention to how I was orally pleasuring him; like I previously mentioned, I was too overwhelmed with all that was happening at once to focus on one particular thing.

Harry's fingers grasped onto my locks of hair, forcing me to pull away from his dick and to look into his dark eyes.

"Focus on pleasuring me," he snarled before releasing me roughly, his hands resting limply at his sides as I dove back down to shakily take him back into my mouth.

I've quickly learned that Harry loves oral sex. I've given him so many blowjobs that I've lost count. But my endurance was building up, which was the only positive side to all of this, because the more I did this, the less it hurt. But even now, I could still feel the soreness in my jaw. My lips felt numb. I wanted nothing more than to rest, but Harry thought otherwise.

"If you be a good girl like you should," Harry went on mockingly, "then I could make this pleasurable to you, too. But I won't until you do as I say."

His hand gripped the base of his dick, and his other hand pushed on the back of my head to push his dick further into my mouth, deep throating me. Since I wasn't alive, I didn't have to focus on breathing, but it still was very uncomfortable to have something so large being pressed down your throat, especially when you were being penetrated from behind through each hole while it was happening.

"There you go," Harry commended me, hissing under his breath when I let my teeth scrape gently along his dick. He liked that - he liked teeth. But didn't teeth hurt? I guess that if you used  too much teeth, it could hurt.

But Harry was a demon.

He liked pain, so it made perfect sense that he would enjoy me using teeth.

Suddenly, after thrusting deep into my throat a few times, Harry released me, and my entire body went limp on the bed when the shadows were gone. My eyes closed tightly, and my jaw slackened instantly. I felt like I just wanted to lay there for the rest of eternity.

But I was not surprised when Harry pulled my hips upwards to where my bum was in the air, and he easily pulled my legs apart so I was completely bare to him.

"I'm going to fuck you now," He told me huskily as his tip pressed against my entrance. "I want to hear you, Avery. This is going to feel good; I'm rewarding you for being a good girl, so you better comply with what I do. Understand?"

"Yes," I answered quietly, my teeth clenching as his dick pushed into my opening. My toes curled with his length, and I sighed to myself as his hands clamped around my hip bones, and he began thrusting slowly yet surely against me. He was trying to go deep inside of me, and he was prolonging the moment at the same time.

I leaned on my elbows, feeling my dark hair swoop past my shoulder from the angle, and I let out moans and whimpers when Harry's pleasurable warmth spread through my body.

And suddenly, it felt amazing. It felt so amazing that I felt blind, and I felt like I was being drowned in it. I instantly welcomed and embraced the waves of pleasure and made so many noises as Harry moved against me.

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