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“Spread your legs wider for me, baby - just like that.”


I let out a lingering groan as I felt the male demon from behind spread my legs, and I hopped on my other foot, trying to maintain balance. But the male only gripped onto my hips and kept me in place as he thrusted into me from behind, and now that I was sure that my balance was okay, I focused my gaze back on the two penises staring me directly in the face.


The two leering male demons standing in front of me smirked down at me, watching me in utter fascination as I took the one on my right into my mouth. With my hand, I gripped the other one and pumped his shaft, feeling it throbbing in need under my mere touch. I swirled my tongue along the head of the penis in my mouth, forcing my mouth to relax as the male demon impatiently lodged it in deeper, hissing under his breath.


“Whose pet is she?” He asked.


“I don’t know, but whoever she belongs to is a lucky fellow,”


“Does someone else want to take a turn?” The male demon from behind asked as he suddenly pulled out, setting my legs back down. The demon who’s penis I was pumping with my hand pushed behind me, not wasting a moment before thrusting sharply; my legs were pushed together so it was tighter for him, and he groaned loudly from behind me, but his groan only mixed together with all the other pleasuring noises of the Tavern of Lust.


“Avery, what the fuck,” A new, raspy voice snarled, and I pulled the dick out of my mouth with a pop when I recognized their voice. My master shoved the two demons in front of me with such a force that they were thrown violently against the wall, and the male demon behind me pulled away the very next moment.


My master was naked, so I went to reach for his penis to pleasure him, but he only crouched in front of me, his black eyes blazing with fury.


“What the fuck are you doing?”


“I’m pleasuring them,” I replied. “Isn’t that what I’m here for?”


“No, you’re here to pleasure me.” He gripped the back of my head and forced me to my feet. I yelped loudly, my legs feeling numb as I stood straight up again. Harry towered over me with a deep scowl. “I don’t want you to pleasure anyone else but me, do you understand me?”


“I don’t understand,” I replied. “That other time you - ”


“ - you can pleasure them with your mouth, but not your virtue.” Harry tapped his fingers sharply against my wet folds, pinching, and I hissed from the sharp pain. “Bend over that table.”


He nodded at the wooden table behind us, which was empty, except for a cup full of some dark red liquid. Harry effortlessly swiped it off the table, shattering it against the wall, and I obediently bent over the table, feeling my breasts press into the warm wood.


I felt his hands press my legs apart, leaving me open and vulnerable, and he thrusted into me a moment later. I didn’t hiss or groan from the pain simply because I didn’t feel any pain. I don’t know how long I’ve been here now, but I’ve been here long enough for the pain to feel nonexistent to me. So I sat there, keeping my hands splayed loosely by my side as I let Harry thrust into me with slow, powerful thrusts. He was evidently trying to teach me a lesson, but it wasn’t working.

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