H.C.B.T.O 30

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2 weeks later


Since the proposal, things have been great. Hakeem is better and said he'll stay here until he gets back on his feet, Damian has gotten more touchy and romantic, our sex life is just indescribable.

I've been throwing up more and get nausea when I smell certain things, mainly Damian cologne. I've been eating weird shit like pickles and chocolate ice cream, but that's good as fuck. And I've put on a few pounds.

I told Hakeem and he said I'm pregnant. I don't want to believe that because of what Damian said one day.

I plan on telling him I'm pregnant, but I need to be extra positively sure so Kemmy and I are at the clinic.

"I know I'm pregnant Kemmy, how is Damian gonna react when I tell him?" I ran my hands down my face and started biting the inside of my mouth.

"Don't stress yourself ma. If things go bad, I'll be right here with you. I'm on your side, whatever you want to do I'm down" I nodded.

"Sydney, follow me to the back please" a short white nurse said. She had long brown hair, and green eyes. Hakeem and I followed her to the back.

After taking my blood and asking questions, the doctor walked in. "Hi Sydney, I'm doctor Vel. You came for a pregnancy test right? " I nodded. She asked a few questions then made me pee in a cup.

She walked into the room with a smile on her face "Congratulations, your 1 month and approximately 3 weeks pregnant" my heart stopped. "Is this the father?" she asked pointing to Hakeem.

"No he's my best friend" I said. She nodded then gave me a whole bunch of information about what to expect and what to do and not do.

Hakeem pulled up to McDonald's "What you want?" he asked. I smiled because there were so many choices.

"A big mac meal, large. 3 McChickens with extra mayo, 3 chocolate chip cookies and a hot fudge sundae. Oh and a large sprite" Hakeem chuckled and shook his head then ordered our food.

"Your total is 23.65" the man said. I pulled out a 20 and Hakeem looked like he wanted to slap me.

"Excuse me" I called to the guy at the window. "Can I have a little cup with fudge and a little cup with pickles please?" he scrunched his face up at me. "I know I know, I'm pregnant. " he nodded and got it for me.

"So you gonna tell Damian as soon as we get back?" Hakeem asked on our way back to the house.

I dipped my pickle in my hot fudge "Yea, no sense in stalling" I said. We pulled up to the house and Hakeem helped me out the car. We walked inside and found Damian on the couch playing a game with Chris.

"Hey Chrissy" I said smiling. He looked at me and paused the game.

"Damn Syd, you lookin thick" he said with a smirk. I smiled. Hakeem greeted Chris and Damian then disappeared.

"Thank you Chrissy, can I talk to Damian alone please?" Chris nodded and hugged me. I kissed his cheek and he went upstairs.

I sat on the couch next to Damian and he pulled me close. He put his arm around my shoulder and pulled my legs into his lap. "Wassup wife, what we need to talk about? "

"Uhh Kemmy and I just got back from the clinic.. I'm pregnant" I said lowly. Damian looked at me. He pushed my legs off him and shoved me away. He stood up and just stared at me.

"You're pregnant? " he asked. I nodded slowly. "What the fuck?" he yelled. I jumped at the tone of his voice. "I thought you said you're on the shot"

"Stop yellin at me. I was on the shot but I went to get it a few days after we had sex unprotected. I guess I was already pregnant when I got it" He chuckled and shook his head.

"You guess huh? How I know that's even my baby? You been spending so much fuckin time with Keemy. Y'all might have been fuckin behind my back." he yelled. That hurt.

"Fuckin Hakeem? You know damn well I ain't fuck him. He's my friend. This is your baby" I yelled back. He shook his head. I ain't got time for this.

I got up and walked towards the stairs when Damian pulled me back and pushed me against the wall.

"That" he said pointing to my stomach "Is not my baby"

"It is Damian"

"Ok since that's my baby, I have a choice to make huh?" I scrunched up my face, confused.

"The hell you talking about?" I asked.

"Get rid of it" he said through clenched teeth. My heart just broke into a million pieces when he said that. How could he throw accusations at me then tell me to abort my baby? Our baby?

I looked into his eyes, not seeing the man I fell in love with. I caressed his cheek "You don't mean that. Damian this is our baby. You don't mean it" I said softly as tears ran down my face.

He slapped my hand away and pinned my arms above me head with one hand and roughly grabbed my chin with the other, making me look him in the eyes.

"Sydney I'm not fuckin playin with you.. Get rid of that shit" he yelled in my face. I pulled my hands away and slapped the fuck outta him.

"Watch your mouth when you talkin about my baby. Are you fuckin crazy? The fuck is wrong with you?" I yelled. He started walking towards me and I punched him.

Hakeem and Chris came running downstairs. Hakeem held me back and Chris held back Damian. "I fuckin hate you" I yelled. I wanted so badly to punch him again but Hakeem wouldn't let me go. "Let me go" I yelled.

Hakeem carried me upstairs, to my room and locked the door. He sat me on the bed and pulled me into a hug, where I broke down.

"Why would he say that to me about our baby? He said he loved me. You don't talk to your fiance like that" I cried into Hakeem's chest. He rubbed my back and rocked me back and forth until I stopped crying.

Soon after, I heard the front door slam and Damian's car speed off. "Syd" Hakeem called.


"You wanna talk about it?" he asked. I snuggled up to him more.

"Why would he say some shit like that to me? He proposed just a few weeks ago, then tells me to get rid of my baby." I said.

"I know just give him time. "

I shook my head "No it's only gonna get worse. I need to leave" I said.

I can't deal with this. It may seem like I'm running away cause I am. I'm not good at confronting big problems like this. If Damian doesn't want to help raise our baby, I'll do it on my own.

"You sure that's what you want to do?" Hakeem asked. I nodded. "When you want to leave?"

"Let's wait till Thursday to see if this blows over. Maybe I can talk to him and things will get better."

"Ok so 3 days. But this won't be easy. " he said rubbing circles in my back.

"I know" I sighed "I'm willing to fight for this but there's only so much fight I have in me, you know?" I said hoping he would understand.

"I feel you, its hard to fight for something when the thing you fightin for, someone else is fighting against. But whenever you ready, just let me know and I'll leave with you"

"You're gonna come too?" I asked.

"Yea I said I'm on your side. Whatever you want to do, I'm down. I gotta protect my lil sis right?" I laughed.

"Nigga I'm older than you" he mushed my face, making me fall on the bed.

"Yea yea whatever"


Congrats Syd, yay!!!

But Damian a fuck nigga for what he said.. I woulda cut him

Hakeem being a great best friend?

#HoldMyNuts #MyThuggas

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