Chapter 2. The Mysterious Gem

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“NOOOOOOO!” a voice screamed, falling from the skies. At a cliff in a place known as Windmill Isle, a whaling scream from a figure falling from the sky comes crashing down onto the ground with a huge, “Thud!”

Specs of dirt where flung into the air as the figure shown had its head stuck into the ground while holding its body up. The blue figure’s feet fell to the ground as he started using his strength to pull his head out of the ground. With one last push, the blue hedgehog got his head out of the ground and balanced on his feet before holding his head.

“Owww…” Sonic groaned before looking at his surroundings to find himself in Windmill Isle.

Sonic then started looking at his surroundings before spotting a limp figure on the ground unconscious. The hedgehog was about to go to his friend but the figure disappeared into thin air, leaving behind what was his supposed necklace. Sonic went to the relic and picked it up off the ground before hearing a voice.

“I’ll never forget you,” Chip’s voice sounded in Sonic’s head as the hedgehog looked down at the relic, surprised to hear his friend, “I’ll be here by you, always,” Chip whispered as Sonic looked out into the distance, “a part of the earth you tread.”

Sonic confirmed it was indeed his friend talking to him through the ancient relic as he put it on his wrist by pushing his hand through the circle opening. The hedgehog then walked up closer to the cliff as Sonic watched the sunrise, reminding him of how he and Chip first met. Sonic inhaled the fresh air surrounding him before running off, deeper into the parts of Windmill Isle.

A sound like an engine was heard as a red coloured biplane came into view and flying next to Sonic who was running by the cliff.

“Hey, Sonic!” a familiar yellow fox called out from the biplane’s driver seat and waved to the blue hedgehog.

Sonic looked up and saw his best friend Tails waving at him from the biplane known as the Tornado, “Hey Tails! Race you to the village!”

“Alright! Let’s go!” Tails called out while driving the Tornado at a faster speed.

Although the Tornado can’t go as fast as Sonic, Tails still goes up to the challenge because he loves to spend time with his best friend. Sonic was running at what seemed to him a jogging speed since the Tornado couldn’t go as fast and if it went full speed for a period of time then it would lose power.

As the two were traveling, Sonic spun around and started running backwards and looked up at Tails while he spoke, “Hey Tails! Once we get to the village, what do you want to do then?”

Tails had a look of thought before looking over briefly at the Tornado’s side, there was some damage to the side of the biplane. During their previous adventure, Tails had lost control of the Tornado and crashed, it was still working but some things need to be fixed. The damage wasn’t huge but a dent like that needed some repairing, in Tails’ opinion of course. Although there were some upgrades that the fox had in mind for the biplane. 

“Well… the Tornado needs a few repairs and I want to add some upgrades to it. But I need to go to my workshop in the Mystic Ruins so…” Tails said with uncertainty in his voice, as if unsure on Sonic’s answer.

“Great! Let’s go then!” Sonic replied before jumping onto the back of the Tornado, where he used to stand on their previous adventure around the world.

Tails nodded, “OK! Off to the Mystic Ruins!”

The Tornado then started rising higher into the sky and picked up on speed. A tracking map was displayed on Tails’ device called the Miles Electric which pinpointed the location of his workshop in the Mystic Ruins. He used that map to go around the world as well.

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