Chapter •3•

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( 1:30am Saturday. )

I woke up to a familiar buzzing sound. I sleepily got up and stretched, making my back crack.

I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and checked my messages. It was obviously going to be Peter. Who else would it be?

P: Hey, I'm really sorry for waking you up but I just wanted to know if you would like to come to the movies with me at 11:00?

A: Of course :) and it's okay. I was just about to get up anyway.


P: Haha okay, I'll see you later. Go back to bed, I knew you didn't just get up ;) I'm not stupid Annie.

I blushed and quickly typed back

A: awe haha okay, night :P

P: night :)

I placed my phone back down and went back to sleep smiling.


"Annie, darling there is a boy at the door for you." my grandma cooed from the doorway.

I sat up, I stared at my grandmother in silence. Before it clicked..


I shot up out of bed and quickly opened my cupboard and pulled out a pair of black ripped skinny jeans, my Rolling Stones shirt, an oversized grey knitted jumper and my old black converse.

I chucked it into my bathroom and got undressed, practically drowning myself in deodorant. I put on my usual makeup, and brushed my hair, but this one strand keeps on popping up, ugh. I grabbed my beanie from the floor and put it on my head.

After getting dressed I cleaned my teeth and ran downstairs grabbing my phone.

I was about to turn the corner to the kitchen but I ran into someone. That someone being Peter.

I flung off him and landed on my ass, as Peter only stumbled forward.

Peter laughed as he looked at me, crap. I fixed my beanie up and blushed madly. Grandma stared down at me with an amused expression.

"Well hello Annie." He greeted. I waved back.

Gran shook her head and handed me some money. "Here is twenty dollars, for food and the ticket etcetera."

I went to grab the money but Peter interrupted. "Oh, no need. Im paying for her." He smiled widely.

Grandma smirked. "What a gentleman."

Finally I got up off the floor and Peter and I left for the door.

I shut the door and turned around to see Peter getting on his push bike.

"Pretty special right." Peter winked, making me silently chuckle to myself.

I grabbed the helmet from him and placed it on my head. He put his on hot on the seat.

I stood there confused on where I was supposed to sit.

He noticed and chuckled to himself, "alright, so you see these stunt pegs?" he said gesturing to the poles on the back of his bike.

I nodded.

"You're gonna have to stand on them and hold on tightly to me."

I nodded and smiled to myself. Following his instructions I stepped on the stunt pegs and held onto him.

He checked if everything was okay then peddled off. I was a bit scared at the start because we started off wobbling, but I calmed down a bit when we finally started riding smoothly.

. . . .

"Thank god the movies aren't packed." he mumbled.

I sent him a text message, "what are we watching?"

He looked at the message. "Secret." he winked and walked over to the guy selling the tickets.

I waited by myself and played a quick game of piano tiles. I frowned my eyes in frustration as I only got 58.

"What's wrong love?" Peter asked.

I shook my head and smiled.

"Alright, let's get our food shall we?"

I nodded and followed him to the food bar. I texted him what I wanted and patiently waited for him.

I took a sneaky glance at the tickets in his hand, noticing the small writing saying-

Pet Cemetery 3D

Oh god, I've heard of that movie, it's support to be scary as hell, and now it in 3D! Why?!

We sat down in the middle of the cinema. I sat next to him a little closer than normal. I'm not good with scary movies.

I bit my lip as the credits started. I started concentrating on eating my popcorn, trying to get the thought of dead animals turning crazy, out of my mid.

. . .

The movie consisted of me silently squealing and Peter chuckling at me as I clung to his arm.

Finally the movie ended. The lights gradually turned on. I took a look around, Peter and were covered in popcorn.

"Not a scary movie fan?" He asked.

I shook my head. Especially when a dead baby hides under people's beds and cuts they're ankles when they walk past.

We got up and chucked the left over rubbish in the bin.

"Do you uh.. Do you wanna come to my place?" He asked nervously.

I nodded.

When we walked outside I noticed it was raining, out of habit I poked my tongue out and let the rain drops fall on my tongue.

I looked over to Peter, who was doing the same.

Once I realised people were staring I grabbed Peters hand and guided him over to his bike.

His hand was unusually warm, and large..

I shook my head, making the though disappear. I put the helmet on and stepped on the stunt pegs once again, as Peter rode off to his place.

I stared in awe at his house, it was absolutely beautiful. It was two stories and had a little attic at the top. It was a browning colour, the roof wing white, and the garden was amazing. There was flowers and small trees everywhere with a fountain in the middle.

I nearly squealed.

"Like it?"

I nodded frantically.

We stepped inside the house, it was nice in here. It was comfortable.

We were soon greeted by a girl about two years younger than me.

"Hey!" She was very jumpy, and cute. She also looked a lot like Peter, obviously his sister.

I waved to her as Peter introduced me to her. Her name was Ellie and she was 14.

"Let's go up to my room, it's actually peaceful up there." Peter whispered to me.

I nodded and followed him up the stairs to his room.



Hope you like it mum kept on hurrying me


Anyway love you guys!

Bai xx

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