Chapter •8•

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I still haven't seen Peter since the carnival, an I can't help but always feel like it is my fault.

Oh who am I kidding, it is my fault. I am such an idiot.

I made my way to my usual loner place at the back of the school. I kept my head down the whole way, thank fully avoiding Zero, the little shit.

I stepped outside and raised my head, my eyes widened when I saw Peter sitting down, his back leaning against the tree and he had his eye closed.

I went to creep back inside and go somewhere else, but I must've been too loud because Peter's eyes opened and he was now staring at me. I found myself staring back, and we soon had the 'Whoever does something first makes the first move' kinda thing.

"Allie. Please just sit down for a second." He sighed and patted the spot next to him.

I slowly crept over to him and sat down, crossing my legs.

I feel so awkward right now. Ugh.

"Why are you hanging out with Zero now.. I-I thought you hated him." He said picking at the grass.

I bit my lip and pulled out my phone.

'I never wanted to hang out with him, he just pushes me into doing stuff with him. It's a long story I guess.'

He sighed as he read the text. "I have time."

'Well, I've known Zero since I was six. We were actually pretty close. But once we started grade eight he started.. Changing. He wore darker colours, dyed his hair, got tattoos and piercings, it's like he's a different person now. He's always been kinda clingy and close to me, and bipolar. One minute he's kind, the next he's just a total dooshbag.

Halfway through grade eight he started developing feelings for me, but, I did not like him that way. He got furious and tried to.. Well, you know. But I called the police and they took him away. Now he is back and he still likes me I guess.'

I exhaled and watched Peter's expressions change while reading the text.

Once he's finished he raises his head. Sympathy clearly in his eyes.

Next thing I know I'm enveloped in his arms, I hugged him back and buried my face in his shoulder.

"I'm so sorry Allie." He murmured.

I pulled away and smiled at him.


Today was just a slow and boring day, turns out Zero wasn't even at school today so Peter and I just hung out at lunch and through the halls. Just how I liked it.

Peter and I walked out of the school side by side. I actually felt like I had a good day.

I smile up at Peter as he cracks a lame and corny joke. He's so cute. I invite him inside my house, Grandma was sitting in the lounge room watching The Bold and The Beautiful.

I took Peter upstairs and into my bedroom an sat him down on my bed, while I stood in front of him and stared at him blankly. Wondering what to do next.

"You're not going to rape me are you?" Peter gasps. I blush and shake my head, sitting down next to him.

"Just kidding." He grins, "but seriously what are we doing?"

I shrug. 'wanna go for a walk?' I write down on a piece of paper.

"Sure, why not." He replies.

"Goodbye children!" Grandma yells as we walk out the door. I roll my eyes, strange woman.

We end up walking to a secret park that I know of.

I make him cover his eyes, I then push him through a thick weeping willow tree.

I take his hands off his eyes excitedly, "Woah."


It's short I know. It's late I know.

Just vote please I have a lot of stuff going on okaaayyy.


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