Chapter •7•

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I shoved Zero forcefully.

I ran away from him, trying to find Peter. But he was no where to be seen.

I sighed and wiped a tear from my eye. I seem to be crying a lot lately. If this is what love is like, I hate it.

Suddenly I hear yelling, I look back to find Zero yelling my name. I gasp and start running. Dodging and shoving people in my way.

I know I'm harsh but seriously, I hate this guy. He's mental in the brain.

Finally I find myself out the entrance and turning the corner.

I stop to catch my breath. I smile, finally, I lost him.

I started walking again only to feel a strong force on my back. My legs gave in and I fell to the ground with a grunt.

What the actual f*ck!?

"I told you I'd catch you. I'm much faster than you." Zero said puffing.

The little fat shit.

I squirmed in his grip, trying eagerly to get out from underneath him.

I stopped when I heard him let out a deep groan, "Oh god, don't do that."

My face flushed a bright crimson. Well I won't be doing that again. With full force I shoved him off me and got up.

I tied my shoe lace then started walking again.

"Hey wait, what are you doing?"

Walking away?

I turned around and tried shoving him away, but to be honest. He's.. Huge?

I shook my head, that is not how I intended to put it.

He sighed and grabbed my waist, next thing I know I'm on his shoulders.

I blinked. Did he seriously just do that.

I flicked his head, showing him that I was annoyed. He rolled his eyes and kept walking till we were at his car once again.

Peter never leaving my mind. I'm so stupid, I wish I never even came to this idiotic date.

But how did Peter even know I was there?

Zero put me down and opened the door for me. How gentleman like.

"Alright. Uh, we're are we going now." Zero asked.

I looked at him, then drew the shape of a house in the air with my finger.

He nodded and started driving.

. . . .

The car ride was silent. But finally I made it home.

I smiled faintly then opened the door. I got out and watched as Zero drive away.

I sighed for nearly the thousandth time today and moped inside. Without sharing a glance and Grandma and walked to my room.

I laid down on my bed. Well, wasn't today just suckish.

I buried my face in my pillow and screamed. For about two minutes. And it felt so freaking good.

Lazily I grabbed the top of my shoe and pulled it off like a baby would.

I threw it across the room not even bothering to watch it probably smash into an unknown object.

I ripped my top off, leaving my pants on.

I went to go snuggle into my blanket when I got a text.

I picked my phone up and looked at the lock screen.

How do you find a way to hurt me, yet never hurt me enough to give up?




Yup it's short.

Do I care?

Nope :)

Anyway my mum took my iPod off me and I also went to a drama camp which meant no wifi 😭

Well bye now,


( Jk I love you all )

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