Chapter •4•

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Peter opened the door to his bedroom. My eyes widened, it was beautiful!

He had fairy lights hanging around his bed, a vintage bookshelf was sat in a corner of his room, he had a double bed with batman bed sheets and not to mention his room was in the attic.

He smiled at my reaction and pulled me over to his bed and pulled me down so we were laying beside each other.

He turned to face me as I stared up at the ceiling. "Allie, this may sound cheesy. But. You're absolutely amazing, and beautiful, and I can't wait till you trust me enough so I can finally hear your voice. To be honest, it's driving me crazy not being able to hear it." He blushed.

I pulled out my phone, "It's wasn't cheesy, it was cute."

He rolled his eyes and got up, walking over to the book shelf and pulling out Alice in Wonderland.

He laid back down next to me and opened the book. "Can I read to you?"

I nodded smiling.

So he started reading.

Throughout the book all I could concentrate on was his voice. It was angelic, and beautiful. Yet I couldn't help but notice it held sadness. I looked at his features and how he concentrated on the book, frowning deeply when he made a mistake.

He started sweating as the words got larger. Why is he fretting so much? It's only me..

"What's wrong?" I typed on my phone.

"N-nothing." He stuttered nervously.

"Yes there is Peter."

"Annie, there is nothing wrong. I'm just a little nervous is all."

"But why?"

He but down on his lip. "Annie, since you kindly told me your story of.. Why you're mute. I guess it's only fair that I tell you mine."

He shut the book and turned so he was looking up to the ceiling.

He sighed deeply and closed his eyes. "Well, first of all I have a certain phobia, it's called Atelphobia. The phobia of not being good enough."

But he's perfect.

"When I was little, and my father lived with us. He would never tell me I did something right. It was always, 'Peter, look what you have done now' or, 'Try again.'" His voice in a whisper now. "H-he never really understood how much it hurt. To always be looked down upon. I felt like a nobody. So, that's what I became.. A nobody." He was on the verge of tears now, little sobs escaped his lips and small salty tears trickled from his eyes.

I quickly sat up, embracing him in a hug and pulling him close as he sobbed into my shoulder. I could feel my heart breaking as he let out a sob. How could someone do that? Especially to someone as amazing as Peter.

"I-it's really hard, I'm affected by it so much I can't even do something as simple as talking to people without freaking out and feeling like a failure."

I rubbed his back soothingly, slowly laying him down.

I noticed he flinched as accidentally bumped his arm. Curious I pulled his sweater up, while he just looked at me with sadness.

Long red scars were cut along from half way of his arm, down to his wrist. I placed a hand over my mouth, shocked, as I traced them gently with the pad of my thumb on my other hand.

"Ugly isn't it.."

I looked up to Peter. I could hardly recognise him. How could a happy, joyous boy that I was with ten minutes ago turn into a broken and sad boy so quickly?

"It helps me get away from everything. I thought, why don't I just inflict pain on myself. No one would really care if I disappeared anyway. Every cut was an inch closer to me possibly.. Disappearing, and, I'm fine with that." He mumbles, hanging his head low.

I shook my head. No, he can't do this to himself. I can't loose the only thing that has made me happy in a long time.

I pulled his sleeve down and cuddled next to him, pulling the blankets up to our chests.

"W-what are you doing."

"I'm staying tonight, to make sure you don't do anything stupid to yourself. I'm not loosing you just yet." I typed, also texting grandma that I will be staying.

He smiled to himself and flicked his lamp off and put his arm around my waist.

"Thank you."

. . . .

The next day I woke up to him playing with my hair.

I wiped my eyes and blinked a couple times, adjusting them to the light.


I waved to him lazily while yawning. I probably look terribly right now. Oh well.

"Wanna go downstairs and get breakfast?" H asked already getting out of bed.

I nodded and followed him downstairs. We walked into the kitchen to be greeted by his mother making pancakes. I sat down on a chair still thinking about last nights events.

"Morning children." Karen his mother said in a cheery voice.

"Morning mum."

I waved to her, feeling guilty that I couldn't say good morning.

"Where's Ellie?" Peter asked.

"She's gone out with her friends." His mother replied and served out pancakes with Nutella and whipped cream.

I cut them up and started eating the delicious pancakes. I moaned as it practically melted in my mouth. Making Peter and his mother laugh.

I blushed and kept on eating the pancakes in silence.

Once we all finished breakfast we put the plates in the sink and Peter asked if I would like to go home, I nodded in reply. I waved goodbye to Karen and walked out the door.

"Wanna take my bike again?" Peter laughed.

I nodded and smiled showing all my teeth.

We got on the bike and he started riding back to my place.

The ride wasn't all too long as it was fairly early and there wasn't many people to go through.

Finally we got home and I stepped off his bike.

He walked me to the front door and we stood awkwardly not really knowing what to do.

"Did you have at least an alright time?" Peter asked nervously.

I nodded reassuringly.

"Good, i'll see you another time then?"

I nodded again and pulled him in for a hug.

When I pulled away he leaned down and kisses me on the cheek before running to his bike. "Goodbye Annie!"

I waved goodbye, still flustered.

"I saw that." Grandma said from behind me, arching me off guard.

I shrugged and walked inside.

She sighed, "alright, I have to go out and get some groceries. Stay here and guard the house please."

She locked the door behind her, got in her car and drove away.

I squealed and jumped on the couch.

Finally, my life is making sense now.


So as you see my chapters are pretty short, and well that how I'm gonna keep them ;D

Sorry not sorry!

Baii xx

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