Untitled Trash

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A/N: here's some trash music to go with some trash story word things 

I sat at the front of the small class. My brain was absolutely screaming as I Watched the teacher explain the assignment. Great, I thought. I'm never going to finish this..... my thoughts wandered off as the guy next to me started blabbing about god knows what. 15 minutes passed by without any of my work getting done. I can't do this, I'll just have to do it tomorrow, I thought.

The boy sitting next to me, Jayden, and I started talking. We talked about school and people. I'm kidding. He did not talk about anything it sex jokes. Nothing new there. Anyway, we got on the topic of the guy I had a MASSIVE crush on. Everyone knew he liked me and I liked him. Jayden said, "You two are pretty much dating, but you're too chicken to admit it." I glared at him. "Shut up," I replied coldly. He just smirked and continued to press me. "You two are also super close, and hug, and all that shit, but you don't do anything else. Everyone at this school makes out and shit. Not you! But why not?" He gave me a mischievous look. "Oh god...." Imumbled a few swears and continued, "We do to kiss. Just not in public....." I started panicking because Jake and I had never actually kissed before. We'd been so close and intimate, but never once had we kissed. The worst part was that neither of us had even had our first kiss. With anyone. Jayden looked at me suspiciously. "Prove it. Idare you to go kiss Jayden. Right now. In front of everybody," he taunted. "You can't tell me what to do," I said a bit too quickly. "Scared are we?" contemplated my choices very thoroughly. Kissing Jake seemed to be the only option out of this. Let me just tell you that I was scared out of my shit. "Fine,' Isaid. I inhaled sharply and walked over to Jake, Jayden closely watching me. Iput my hands n the back of Jake's chair, the other hand hanging loosely at my side. "Hey Al," he said. 'I smiled and bent down. I brushed my lips lightly against Jake's ear, sending chills down his spine. "Just go with it," I whispered. With that I turned his head and pressed my lips into his. At first I could sense how tense he was. After a few seconds Ifelt him kiss back. His hand came up and tangled into my hair. He pulled my body closer to his, as I was looming over him at an awkward angle. We broke apart to catch our breath. Holy crap, I thought. I just kissed him. I felt Jake's breath against my ear. "I liked that," he whispered. I smiled and then shoved my way through people back to my desk. "I-um...you... and then he.....and i.... i.... whoa," Jayden stuttered. "Told you,' I breathed. With that, the bell rang. I hopped up and skipped straight out of class.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2018 ⏰

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