I'm a Ninja

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The alarm goes off. What a horrible sound!!! "Allie!... could you throw that racquet out the window please!" I yell out to the horizon. Allison is my elder sister, just two years older. She makes my head sore to be honest but she's aright.

I walk downstairs after brushing my teeth and getting my silver hair out of my face.

"Breakfast is almost ready kids..." Mom says.

"Mom, we're not kids anymore..." Alison sighs.

"Well, you're always gonna be kids to us even if you're past 30" My dad, Morris, drops a kiss on Alison's forehead before heading out the door for work.

I don't get along that well with my dad... I guess it wasn't meant to be. Gurl. School no? HOLY COW! IM LATE! AGAIN!

And with that I rush off out of the house and ran to the bus stop.


"DANA!!! Where have you been?!!!" Cara looks a bit too agitated.

"Well... you see...-" I tried but.

"SHUT YOUR HOLE! Now tell me the truth!" Yep she pissed.

Cara is my girl bestie. I met her just a week ago and she owning me like she been here for 45 mafuckin years. Aright girl, I feel ya.

"Okay then, lets begin from how I got late...It was a cold afternoon-"

"This is not story time" she didn't look amused.

"oh fine.. I walked all the way here and then I saw Mr Simmons so I didn't wanna get in trouble so I climbed over the fence but I kept it quiet as possible. Then I Ninja-ed up the staircase after running from across the back lawn and crawled into my classroom. My classmates just stared at me. I told them to shut up about it or I'd tell on them for accepting drugs from Adam and bribing the PE teacher for more time. Yep, im so pro at this shit I deserve a medal!" I waited for her response.

"You little shit! You couldn't even get me food! I've been starving here!" She's raging what the heck.

I check the time on her watch. "Woman! Its only half past nine!"

Just before she could say anything else, the siren went off again. Oh thank god. I was dying here man.


I turned around to run away from Cara but this mob came and man handled me to the corner of the 12B classroom.

"Fucks wrong with you guys?!" Im struggling to get out of their grip. Then I see a familiar face. Adam. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy you do this???!!

"Hey girl, how you doin'..." He smirks.

"Been doin' better than yo grades boy..." I smile as if I own this shit. Wrong move.

He throws himself onto me and his face was so close to mine I felt like breaking his jaw that fucking piece of shit. Fuck.

Then out of nowhere, his face disappears, and I notice that his gang were looking down at the ground. I looked down as well and guess who I saw... Ma niggur Liam tryna rescue ma ass. Take meeeee.

Liam was holding Adam to the ground and whispering something into his ear. I noticed something. Devin was just staring at us all from the third floor. With his arms folded, you could see his biceps take shape and how his posture gave away how manly he looked. You wanna kill him or lick him? Cas gurl I don't know man. Shut up! Lemme think. Oh yes, kill him.

I don't know what happened but I felt a heavy rock land on my cheek. Some fucker just punched me. I got off the ground and looked up to see who it was. There was death in my eyes. I could tell that they were all worried. I looked at the guy who landed the punch.

"Tell your 'boyfriend' to get off our boss!" he says to me with an uneasy expression.

"Your boss?" I was furious. My blood was boiling. I wanted to throw him off the balcony. I was about to throw a right jab to his face when a hand grabs mine and stops me. Devin. He looks me in the eyes and tells me to stop. I didn't get it.

"So what, huh?! When they're on me its okay with you but all of a sudden when I wanna defend myself- you tell me to stop?!" I was raging like a bitch on her period.

"Devin, whats wrong with you?!!" I stood 2 inches away from him and asked him. He just turned around before I could say anything else and threw a damn straight punch at the guy who hit me.

He hooked him by the collar. The look on his face told me that he was really pissed but just contained it for some reason.

"Don't you dare touch her again. Or I will personally see to it that your body is never found." And with that he drops the guy and his whole gang scoots out of sight.

Liam was still holding Adam to the ground. I looked up again and just like that, Devin is not there. Always disappearing. Im getting used to his disappearance.

"Liam, why are you still holding that guy?!!!" Hopeless, I thought to myself.

He gets up and lets go of Adam. Just then I don't know what came over me, but I dragged Adam by the collar the balcony and punched him in the stomach. When he crouched down to hold his injured area, I kicked him with my knee on his head. I was about to push him over the balcony when Devin comes out of nowhere and stops me. Again.

Okay this time I didn't feel anything. All I wanted to do was get that asshole over the balcony. I heard Devin say something to me, it sounded like 'stop' or 'wait' or 'don't do it' but then I didn't hear him. All I know is, Devin told Liam to get out of here.

Devin locks me in a grip from behind. I was staring at Adam like he was the reason for all my troubles. Adam looked like he was terrified, then his expression changed. He smirked.

And that was it. I lost it.

While in Devin's grip I don't know what the fuck came over me, all I know is that I felt as if I could move mountains. This urge to put this guy out of his misery just hit me and out of the blue... He fell. Adam fell off the balcony. I didn't even touch him. He just... fell.

Devin's grip loosened and I rushed over to the balcony. I looked over and there he lay. Adam above a red carpet of blood.

"I told you to stop..." Devin said while looking down at Adam's dead body.

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