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This girl with blossoming pink hair walks up to me and hugs me. She smells of jasmine and fresh orchids. Then kisses Devin.

Wait what?!

"Macy! Drop the gun!..You don't have to do this!"

"You don't understand! He has to die in order for all of us to live!" She shoots the guy with the leather black jacket and army boots.

I wake up.


Oh my goodness! That was a horrible dream! Who the heck is Macy?! Pink hair??!! I'm losing my mind. Then it all came back to me. How I felt yesterday after Devin shrugged me off. My walk home and the fact that im sick and at home in my bed looking like a tornado passed by my room. No school for me. No calls for me. No Devin? No no one. I think of how angry Devin looked yesterday, I feel this urge for crying but hold back my tears. Im stronger than this. But im not. I start crying.

"Its not your fault you know..." out of the blue I heard a voice.

"Who said that?!" I look around my room and caught a glimpse of Jules, my stuffed bunny. Im sure it was her. There's no other explanation.

"Jules?..." I slowly crawl out of bed and towards Jules.

I look at her with intense concentration.

"Dana, What are you doing?!" I got the shock of my life, I almost jumped outta my window!

"Jake! Don't scare me like that!" I put Jules down and walk towards the window ledge.

"well Im sorry if I startled you... you seemed like you were gonna kill the bunny!" he started laughing.

He has this nice kinda smile. "No! its not like that" I laugh with him. "I thought I heard her say something..." I said to him through the window, I thought he would freak that im talking to a bunny. He just started laughing again. Oh well.

"So you're not going to school I guess" he looks at my messy hair and my pajamas.

"The hair gives it away ?" I give a cheesy smile.

"Naah, the fact that I heard you sneezing and coughing all night ...and you look like you need a day off!" he smiles at me. I hold back a shy smile.


Jake left for school already. I got out of bed and ran to the bathroom, I needed to pee so badly! I came back to the room and stared at my phone for a while, hoping for Devin to call, but nothing, still nothing. Leave me a message at least! Nothing.

What does a person who is sick do at home? Ask mom! I ran to the next room and opened the door slowly...

"Mom?..." I peeped inside, and realized no one was there. Did she go to the store or something? Dad wasn't back from his cruise trip yet, he'll be back tomorrow I guess. Where's Alison? Oh right, she's got school. I walked downstairs to look for life in the house. Mom left a note on the fridge for me, "Gone to the supermarket, be back by lunch, theres food in the fridge" Oh well. I took the jug of lemon juice out because that's what mom usually gives me when im sick. I decided to see what on the television while i sipped on my lemonade.

I walked past Allie's room and heard weird noises coming from inside. I creeped up to the door and pushed it open. Oh –my-dog. I lost my eyesight.

"Please don't tell Mom!" Allie begged. She had a guy in there with her. I saw them making out, and well... making babies. Ew.... A sight I never want to see again.

"Don't worry, not only am I blind now, I've got memory loss too" I walk over to the sofa and turn on the tv. I wonder how old that guy is though, he looked at least 25 ... Allie is 22..good enough.

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