Oh Mom

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I heard knocking on the front door downstairs. I ran down the staircase being mindful of mom passed out and not to be clumsy and fall to my death. I hope its Devin and not that dick Eric...

Unlocked the door and swung it open. I was so tired that I jumped on him for a bear hug.

To my surprise, he didn't throw me onto the floor. He caught me and hugged me back.

"Im sorry... I just.. um, come in..." I didn't know what to say..

"So whats the problem?..."He had his straight face on again. Why did I even hug him. Lose hope.

I pointed to the staircase. He understood the rest. So we stood on each side of my Mom and carried her up the stairs, carefully into her bedroom and onto her bed. I covered her up to her chin and closed the door to the room while walking out. Before I left, I pecked a kiss onto mom's forehead. She smelt of wine and vodka all over. Holy Moly.

"She's okay..." I say to Devin while closing the door behind me.

"Okay so... what do you wanna do now?" He asks me.

I look past him towards my bedroom. We both walked in and I showed him around. I sat on my bed while he fiddled with a magic cube on my dresser. Then he opened my underwear drawer by accident.

"Wait!!!-" I lunged into action.

"Um... that's my under-"

"Your underwear drawer, I know." He completes my sentence.

"Wha-wha-what? How did you know?" How the heck did he know?!

"It's obviously your underwear drawer because you wouldn't have jumped up like that if it wasn't." Straight face still on.

"Oh...that makes sense..." I said out loud.

"Hey wait, but... are you saying that I would jump at the sight of someone else looking at my undies?" I was either curious or furious. One of them.

"Well, im not sure... would you?" He replies.

Good answer. Now that I think of it... If it was anyone else, I wouldn't have jumped... except if it was Eric you know, that wimp.

"Um, I have no idea...so..." I didn't know what else to say.

"So back to my question... what do we do now?" Devin looks at me for an answer.

I look past above him to see the time on the wall clock, it was a quarter to 11... so late, what would we do?

"Um..-" I was gonna suggest that I drop him at my front door and he goes home because we both have school tomorrow in the morning but he interrupted me.

"How about we go out for a spin?" He asks me.

We walk over to the front door, I'm wondering what he means by 'spin'. Then I see parked outside the garage door a black range rover.

"No wayyyyy..." I ran towards the rover.

"How old are you again?" Im still checking out the black beauty.

"I turned 18 three months ago" He replied with that straight face on.

"No wonder you got here so fast..." I had to say it. I was wondering it, I said it.

"So... you wanna go grab a bite to eat?" He asks with that same straight face on.

"Its hard to say no you see because this 'DIMWIT' finished my chocolate cake!" I emphasized on the 'dimwit' part hoping that Eric heard me from his house across the street.

"So... lets go" He gestures towards the rover.

I hop into the vehicle and then he asks me, "Your Mom won't mind, would she?" He's looking through my soul right now.

"I don't think she would mind. She's dozed off right now. Just not too late, that's all." I tell him.

He starts the engine and we drive off... I plug my phone into the aux system and play Bryson Tiller songs. I start dancing like crazy because its Bryson Tiller guys... I love Bryson Tiller. God Tiller yo! He just stared at me and when I asked him what it was, he would laugh and keep on driving.

We drove through McDonald's drive through and I was surprised he brought me here. He ordered the food himself without asking me, and he paid for them too.

"Okay so, the Big Mac meal with extra fries and a large sprite for you... and a chicken wrap for me..." He hands me the brown bag and large sprite, he also gave me his chicken wrap to hold on to while he drives. Now how did he know that I preferred the Big Mac meal with extra fries...Stalker... but that's okay, I kinda trust him now more than ever.

"So where we headed to?" I ask him, as we pull out of MacD's .

"Back home...your mom's alone" He says and ends with a humble smile.

"Oh right..." I smile out the window.

"Your hair is all over your face you know?" He says without looking at me.

I realized the wind is not helping me look pretty at all. If anyone from school saw me right now, they would know it's me because of my silver hair trade mark. And it's all over my face. Wow.

"That's okay..."I try to push my hair away from my face.

We pulled up at my garage and got off the car. Before we walked into the house, Devin stopped me and pulled out a guitar string from his jacket pocket and tied my hair up into a messy bun. I just stood there. Then I smiled and we both walked in.

"Hey, you wanna watch a movie while eating?"I suggest to Devin.

"Yeah, sure. Why not..." He replied.

So I put on 'Aragon' and we sat on the sofa and I handed him his chicken wrap while I already started on my fries. It was a bit after 12 am when we started.

The movie was about to end and my song came on by Avril Lavigne 'Keep holding on'. I turned to Devin to see if he was watching with me, but was surprised to see him dozed off on the sofa. So while the movie finished, I went upstairs to check on Mom and at the same time brought down a sheet.

I reached the bottom and saw Devin crashed on the sofa. I smiled at the sight. I threw the sheet over him and pulled it up to his chest. He seemed so sound, he must have been really tired after all that happened today. Now, I wonder what Mom would say... that's okay, she'd understand. Hopefully Allie doesn't come home earlier than expected. Wait, what would she do? Nothing. Exactly... Dads on a company cruise for 2 days.

I walk upstairs to sleep in my own room then I stopped in my tracks. I'll just go sleep downstairs.

I walk back downstairs, head over to the living room and fall asleep on the floor beside the sofa on where Devin was sleeping.


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