Alien Maybe?

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I threw Devin outta my house after he started again with the 'I'll tell you when the time is right' shit dialogue. It was almost 9pm. Mom went out to the neighbor's for Barbeque. They invited us both but I didn't wanna go because of Mrs Henderson's 16 year old son. Ew. He 's always trying to get me into his room. That little shit.

I went upstairs, past Mom and Dad's room was mine. And Alison's was downstairs. I kept close to Mom just incase I needed something. I sat on my bed and folded my legs Indian style. Across my room through my window, the new neighbors were still settling in. The Monstans as I recalled. I looked through a window straight across mine and saw a guy carrying boxes into his room. He looked as if he was 18 or 19, maybe 20 even. He had brown silky curly hair and a chiseled jaw line. He was so... handsome. Get a hold of yourself girl... You like Liam- not that guy.. Shh I know I know. Anyways...

So I was sitting on my bed... and I wondered to myself, so If I was the reason to why the bottle exploded... what else am I capable of... to my right was a small wooden box. I stared at it. I concentrated with all my might. I tried to manipulate it. Do something to it! But nothing happened... I tried again after some time... the box looked as if it was going to fly towards me... but nothing of the sort happened. So I just gave up.

"Im hungry..." I dropped to the floor like one boneless creature. Yes, this is one of my dramatic phases. The part where im hungry but im too lazy to look for food.

I slowly got off the floor and up on my feet and walked towards the staircase. I was half way down the stairs when I missed a step and fell down the stairs- again. When I got up I realized that I sprained my ankle. It hurt so much that I just fell to the floor again and just sat there waiting for the pain to fade away. After a few seconds, I couldn't feel anything. The pain just disappeared. I moved my ankle around to see if it really did go away. It did! I do have some kinda weird powers! Its scary but somehow I don't feel scared at all... I feel like its somehow... normal. Well, it feels normal because mainly, I have a stuffed bunny which I sometimes talk to- but he only seems to come to life whenever im sad. Maybe im an alien or something? Naahh...

I stood up and walked over to the fridge to grab something to eat. I was so hungry! So what shall I eat... Leftover slice of chocolate cake or apple... Chocolate cake calling my name. I must answer. "You want me in your mouth aye?" The chocolate cake speaks to me... Oh my god im in love.. Take meeeeeeeeeee...

The front door swings open and Mom walks in looking a bit dazed, followed by Mrs Henderson and...her son.

"What happened? Is Mom okay? Mom are you alright?" I put my cake down and ran towards Mom.

"Oh she's just had a bit too much to drink that's all" Mrs Henderson relays while her mischief delinquent son can't keep his eyes off of me.

"Okay, Eric make sure you help Dana out... I'll be back with left over barbeque..." and with that, Mrs Henderson leaves his notorious excuse of a son in my house.

"So you need some help?" Eric asks me while fidgeting with the flower vase on the kitchen counter.

"No, its alright" Fuck this woman is so heavy, what does she eat?!

"Mom, wake up, come one, we gotta get you up the stairs..." I tried to wake her up – but she just won't budge.

"Are you sure you don't need help, Danny?" Eric asks me again, this time I glance over to him to tell him off for calling me Danny, and instead I find him eating my chocolate cake. Oh hell fucking no.

"Eric, do not call me that. Ever. Only my Sister can call me that. And we're not even related.' Im so pissed right now but I gotta take care of Mom.

Eric strides towards Mom and I. I cant help but feel a wee bit agitated by his presence. He's getting closer. Go away...

"Eric! Stay away from me!" I yelled out to him. I made Mom sit on the stairway while I handled this punk. Just as I was about to throw something at him, Mrs Henderson walks in.

"Dana dear, why are you holding that flower vase?" She looks at me then looks at her son, who I've positioned myself to throw this vase at.

I escort both of them out of my house. "Mrs Henderson, I have nothing against you, I JUST DON'T WANT YOUR SON NEAR ME!" I slam the door shut.

That went well. She must have forgotten all the times I walked over to her house to give her pastries or bakes that Mom, Allie and I made. I don't blame her, I lost my cool. She must think that im a lunatic now. Its now or never baby...

Now... Mom. I left mom on the stairway and ran up the stairs to my room. I had to call someone to help me get her up.

"Come on Cara... pick up the phone..." I held my phone to my ear but nobody answered. Shit.

That's okay, I'll just call...I scrolled through my contact list and saw only two other options... Bret and Devine, Alison wasn't an option since she was at her friend's house and didn't like being disturbed. Dad was holding a party with important guests for his company on an island cruise. Okay so, Bret isn't even in town right now! So, Devin was the only option. If only I had Liam's number... sure... you'd call him every night!- to your bedroom...Dana just shut up please! This is serious! Whatever you say mamacita...

So im walking all over my room trying to get a hold of Devin. He's not picking up, Damnit! I sit down on my bed and think for a moment... while I'm thinking, I look across my window into the Monstans top room window. I realized that, that same guy from the evening was staring at me like how I was staring at him when he was lifting boxes. Knowing myself... I walked over to the window.

"So whats your name newbie?" I called out to him. Our windows were only 4 meters away from each other and divided by a fence and a huge tree which I loved climbing up on.

To my surprise he actually spoke to me. "You look like you've seen a ghost. Need some help with something?" He replies. I've seen worse than ghosts. You don't wanna know...

Just how long has he been watching me? Oh my lord.

"Well, you see... my mom is kinda passed out on the stairway, and im tryna get her up to her room and nobody is answering their cell at the moment..." I told him. Yes, I know we just met- but he has this kinda look in his eyes that makes me feel safe, like I can tell him anything.

"You want me to come over and help? I could if you want you know?..." He gestures. Just then my cell rings.

"Oh crap.. lemme get this" I turn to answer my phone. Its Devin. Really? Just when I was bonding with the neighbor? arghhh...

"Oh its alright..." I smile at the guy on the other side of the fence. "My cousin's here... she'll help me.. thanks though, I really appreciate it..." I smile again.

"No prob man... anytime... My name's Jake by the way... what's yours?" Before I could answer his question, I answered the phone so I couldn't possibly reply to Jake. So I just waved goodnight and closed the curtain.

"Devin!-" I yelled into the phone.

"You called earlier?..." He replies.

"Yes! I called 'earlier'!!! I needed help!" I emphasized on the 'earlier' part because he interrupted my conversation with Jake the neighbor.

"Well, do you still need help now?" He had a concern in his voice even though I was yelling half of the time.

"Um,..." I remembered Mom still passed out on the stairway...

"Yeah, could you come over for a while...please?" I asked in an apologetic and polite manner.

"I'll be there in 5..." with that, he hung up.

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