루기즘 (Lookism)

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웹툰에서 "루기즘"이라고 만화를 읽고 있어요. 만화 읽기 하면서 생각을 많이 있어요. 이세상에서 사람들이에게 어떤 친구가 제일 좋아요? 서로 얼굴 보면 어떤 생각을 나와요? 제일 아름다운것이 뭐예요? 그 만화를 조금 밖에 아직 많이 읽지 안하지만 메세지가 많이있는것 같어요. 사람이 만화 봐서 다른 사람한떼 생각 변하면 좋겠다.

Currently, I am reading a manhwa on webtoon, called "Lookism". While reading this manhwa, I have had many thoughts in my mind. In this world, what kind of people is the best? What does people think of when they see each other? What is the prettiest of all? I have only read a small part of it, I think it contain a lot of messages. It would be nice if people read this manga and change their view towards the world.

P/S I'll try drawing something from this manhwa and update it here soon ^^

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