Anxiety 고민

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예전엔 저는 진짜 이상한 경험이 이었어요

Lately I've been facing something really peculiar to what I usually was. 

이유 없이도 긴장하고 멘봉하고 슬픔도 느꼈어요

I felt nervous, stuck and sad without a reason

도라가시는 오빠가 자주 제 머리 속에 왔어요

My late brother also came to my mind quite often

혼자 있을때마다 가슴은 불편하고 숨 쉬도 못해요

When I am alone, I always started to feel suffocated and difficulty to breathe

같은 반 남성 친구들을 만날때 숨을 쉬기 잊고 어지러웠어요

When I see my male classmates, I forgot to breathe and got dizzy

저한테는 무슨 말을 할건지 생각하고 들려워요

I am afraid of what they would say to me

저를 보고 있는 눈을 느끼고 저 때문에 웃기는 웃음 싫어요

I feel their eyes on me, and I hate how their laugh was about me

혼자 무서워하는것 엄청 불편해요

Being scared alone is very uncomfortable 

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