perfect girl

88 4 1

third person

[everyone  but  you]

bok was studying in the library

math was her best subject. any equation she encountered she could solve

jin on the other hand... not so much
he was more of a science wiz.

boksung is perfect
- 4.8 gpa
- straight As
- perfect skin
- loving mother
- super respectful
- extremely responsible
- favored by ...everyone!

she had little to no flaws. she is the definition of perfect in most of her peer's eyes

a happy innocent nerd.

I should be home by now...
she thought


I hate her.
nothing she does will ever satisfy me nor will it ever live up to what her title claims


she didn't reply, of course not, idiot

she turned

admittedly? she's beautiful
gorgeous! if you didn't think that you'd be delusional... or blind

but no way in hell am I ever going to let her beauty trample my chances of being better, academically, of course

I'm the only person she doesn't like. let's keep it that way...

"mmm... what do you want?"
she grumbled
she's so childish. everytime I speak to her I think I'm talking to a child, she's 17, why does she sound 10?

"야! 패자, who said you could speak that way to upperclassmen?"
yah! loser,

"mm? oh! 미안해 아저씨! how could I forget?!"
sorry older man!

"야! what makes you think disrespect would get you anywhere?"

"get me anywhere? pfff- where am I trying to get to with you?"
she rolled her eyes

"I feel so toyed with! 오바 하지마!"
don't go overboard

"바쁘니까 말 시키지 마세요..."
I'm busy so dont talk to me

third  person


"뭐 잘못했는대?
did I do something wrong?
don't stare...stop looking~!

a couple's term for a whiny girl
he rolled his eyes then looked back to her

she was blushing
"ㅁ- 뭐라고?"
w-what'd you say?

he took her chin in his hands and faced her upwards toward him.

weird guy....
she mumbled

"야, 백치미... don't think I'm giving you special treatment because I'm closer to you than anyone else here-"
yah, airhead...

"진짜요!? ...that's sad..."

"anyway, study hard, you'll need it, 바보야"

walking away, bok let out a breath and slouched as she walked home at 4:00pm

a/n: oo a second part prewritten! don't expect this next time ;)
but sadly enough I can't just write and write and write
I have student responsibilities and stuff:((
mmk, until next tim frenzz ('∀`=)

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