do you like me

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"yah! boksung!"
a male voice yelled

I looked over and cocked my eyebrow,
who are you?

"나? 이슨턱입니다! 그리고! 좋아!"
me? I'm Lee Seuntuk! And! I like you!

third person

she scoffed

seuntuk was known to
be a womanizer,
he would have a "girlfriend"
every other week

and sometimes, every other day

he was shocked
"네!? w-what do you mean!?"

looking him up and down
in judgement, she laughed
"좋아하지 않아, and what?"
I don't like you,

"그—근대! 그-그-근대..
bu—but! bu-bu-but..

"go away,"
she shooed him off
and leaned back on the lunch
table, crossing her legs and
picking up an anatomy book
and continuing to read

he frowned and grunted in
frustration then stomped off

a voice said, quite
close to her ear

"oh! you startled me.."
she said, tone-deaf

"did I really?"
jin asked sarcastically,
walking over to her side
and plopping down on
the bench where she sat

"네, very scary,"
she set her book down,
stretched, and when her
arms landed, they wrapped
around jin

he became stiff then loosened up
"I'm smooth, right?"
she looked up at him, cocking an eyebrow and winking; a double hit

he smirked and looked away, rolling his eyes
he said sarcastically

he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer,
"yah, only I can be enticing,"
she smiled
she tilted her head as she spoke quietly,

the bell rang
bokbok quickly unwrapped her arms from jin
he helped put her supplies away and put her backpack on her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders

let's go
jin said

they walked quietly together as always
"I'm not fond of you jin-ssi, 근대.... 당신과 데이트하는 것도 괜찮아요"
but.... I wouldn't mind dating you

"same, but we have a deal, and you should hold your end of it— no one gives up on competitions like these, especially if you're feelings aren't verified,
do you know if I really like you or not?
I could be lying to get ahead in life, after all, I'm a man,"

"that's true, I guess I don't really have any security in you, do I? you could kiss the next girl you see right now and I couldn't logically do anything about."

"that's just the sad reality we live in I guess, anyway my parents aren't home again so I guess I'll be staying at your place again."

"ok, for how long?"

"do I ever have an answer for that?"

she shook her head and they continued walking, but this time, hand in hand.

a/n: hey buddies! sorry I've been gone for so long! I don't even have a reasonable excuse, I just have writers block :(
I hope you liked this, I'll see you in the next one! :))

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