Part 1 of the Book:

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The Burning Inferno Where Dark Entities Dwell!!

Chapter 1: First Gate of Hell

As I went to transition, this is what I saw... I was suddenly in front of a massive portrait gate with two snakes carved as a pointy feathered wings were also etched on the door, having pillars with snakes around it, while the heat it produces burns like an oven but it was even worse.

I could see behind me a dark tunnel with little torches as the background was pure black even the sky with dark clouds and ligtning with flames surrounding the whole place.

I could also see myself clothed with pure white shirt and pants along with a golden strap around my waist and gold sandals.

When I comfidently placed my hands at the gate pushing it with strong force I could muster, it revealed the souls being tortured by all kinds of demons you could ever image.

As it hurts me strongly, a hand was placed at my back reassuringly with comfort, calming me down from an utter shock.

Coming to my side, I saw a very bright light but it was not blinding my sight aside from his face which I really cannot see.

I can only see his body clothed with pure white garments along with golden linings with a golden strap around the waist and golden sandals including his shiny brown wavy shoulder leveled hair.

I got a feeling that he meant no harm and he was only here to help. That's when I realized that he was no ordinary man, for it was no other than the Lord Jesus Christ himself.

"Come child for there are more to see..." He said.

Nodding my head in reply, releasing a breath calming myself down as we both walked through the rocky or should I say the magma pathway towards a dark tunnel.

"Behold, the First Gate of Hell..." Jesus announced. "This is where the non-Christians are being punished for their minor sins..." He said in a soft teary voice.

While showing me what's been happening in this level, tears stared flowing down on my cheeks.

'But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which is the second death.' (Revelation 21:8)

It was horrible! Those poor souls are being tormented by the demons according to their sins!

The demons were enjoying ripping every limbs of a soul to shred, instead of being dead, the soul became whole and alive like nothing happened!

They have been repeating the same manner which served as a routine as those poor souls cry out for help!

I myself could even feel their cry for the pain they are experiencing but I understood that... that is their punishment for the sins they committed when they were on Earth.

'Let death seize upon them, and let them go down quick into hell: for wickedness is in their dwellings, and among them.' (Psalm 55:15)

'And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.' (Matthew 13:50)

The surroundings are pitch black with clouds darker than night as it thunders with strikes of lightning.

River of lava, fire, sulfur, acid and boiling blood with souls drowning or thrown over by their tormentors. The walls are made from stilled magma with skulls, blood, brimstone, and lava as smoke with a smell of burning flesh.

Different screams and shouts are heard everywhere with no ceasing for it is everlasting.

I could clearly hear the laughs of the demons, breaking of bones, squashing/squeezing of flesh, flapping of the demons' wings, the blazing og flames, the popping of bubbles at the river of lava and the boiling blood which souls are being plunged.

'And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.' (Matthew 25:46)

"My Lord, this is horrible!" I cried out.

"What am I doing here?!"I asked fearing for the answer.

"I have shown you this for you to write a story..." He answered "there is a reason why I let you read and write novels and other stories, and that is for this reason... I want you to use your skills to write about this place for it is to be spread and let others know about the horrors of it.
...Will you do that?" He softly asked.

Without hesitation, I answered "Yes! I will gladly write about this horrible place for it can help others not to come here..."

He smiled, "That's good my child... And always remember that I am with you at every step of your life since you were born and I'll see to it that you will finish creating a book..." He paused "So now, let us go further for there are more to see..."

"Yes Lord!"


Please heed this warning for the sake of your lives' salvation...

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