Chapter 7: Volcanic Prison

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Approaching near the center, I silently cried and endured all of the things I was seeing, feeling, hearing, and smelling.

When we were at the middle, the ground suddenly moved as it goes up along with us while Jesus and Michael gripped my hands firmly to help me on my ground.

Afterwards, as I look around the veiw in front of me, I was flabbergasted because what I saw look horrible from up here.

At the west part, ther stood zillions of prison cells.

Every cell has one individual soul being tortured with different forms of torments.

The surroundings are full of brimstone and fire mixed with hideous voices coming from the tortured souls.

At the east, another zillions of craters containing fire, lava, boiling blood, and acid with each soul being tortured.

Along with them are their tormentors doing so much atrocities that breaks them mentally and physically.

At the south, lies the gate of this level along with the fiery barricade.

I was unable to see the entire barricade for this level is really vast and enormous.

At the north stood the most enormous volcano with a vast mouth I have ever seen, it is even more higher and bigger than Mount Everest.

On top of it stood demons tearing/ripping the parts of the bodies into shreds and threw it into the enormous lake of fire, lava, acid, and blood found in the mouth of the volcano.

At the bottom, there's a metal door with snake carvings and the number of the beast (666) on the door signifying the beast's ownership towards the souls.

*Note: The Bible describes the lake of fire which is only found at the opening of a volcano.

'Then the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who worked signs in his presence, by which he deceived those who received the mark of the beast and those who worshiped his image. These two were cast alive into thw lake of fire burning with brimstones.' (Revelation 19:20)

'The devil, who deceived them, was cast onto the lake of fire and brimstone where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night forever and ever.' (Revelation 20:10)

'Then Death and Hades were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And anyone not found written in the Book of Life was cast into the lake of fire.' (Revelation 20:14-15)

"That child, is the Volcanic Prison where more punishment are given a hundred-million-fold agony and suffering..." Jesus explained "Let us go down for there are more to see..."

As Michael and Raphael spread their wings, we all flew down in front of the entrance of the Prison.

The structure is all the same with the same materials.

Loud incoherent noises were heard along with chains clashing, loud sinister laughs, popping of bubbles, either crashing or breaking of bones were there too.

The noises were overwhelming.

It made me feel like vomiting but I couldn't for it will disturb my purpose in going there.

As the door opens, a burst of hot wind came out causing me to stand aside then we entered.

What stood before us is a mixture of lava, acid, fire, blood, and sulfur which occupies the middle creating a pillar that goes to the surface and at the sidelines stood prison cells with souls being tortured along the canals flowing with blood towards the middle.

As we went and approached a prison cell without metal plates but bars, there on a wall chained a man who is more likely a priest with an outfit suited to such role crying out in pain.

He kept praying and praying that God will save him but his efforts seem pointless since he is there for eternity.

Lots of insects are coming in and out of his body as he cries out while his tormentor is playing with him together with the snakes biting him everywhere.

"Child," said Jesus, "The one you see here is a priest who disobeyed me. Even how many times I warned him and gave instructions for him to follow, he did not listen. I sent him people to give the same warnings and instructions but he still did not follow. However, the people whom I did NOT sent have gone to him, that he followed. In the end, he never followed me and never repented for his sins until he died. He therefore came to this place for punishment... With great calling comes with great responsibility..." He explained as we went upstairs through a magma staircase, turning left and walked few paces towards another cell.

'But he who did not know, yet committed things deserving of stripes, shall be beaten with few. For everyone to whom much is given, from him much will be required; and to whom much has been committed, of him they will ask the more.' (Luke 12:48)


Please heed my warnings...

Not all priest are good-natured, for there are others who uses their roles as an opportunity to fame and power...

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