Chapter 5: Third Gate of Hell/Heart of Hell

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Stopping in front of a double fold massive door with the same carvings and a fiery barricade around the area which the door is kept locked, we stood on a magma bridge staring at it.

I stared in pure horror but Jesus comforted me.

With gathered up determination, we half entered as the gate opened revealing lots of souls being tortured by demons applying different methods depending on what their sins are.

The place was a hundred thousand fold worse than the other two gates!

I cannot believe there exists such a thing.

All those of which we heard, thought, seen, or experienced were nothing compared to this place!

This is totally the worst torture of all I have ever seen!

All of the known tortures are upgraded a hundred thousand fold making it impossible for any being to survive.

The worst of it all is that, it is for eternity.

"This is even beyond atrocious!!!" I cried out. "How can there be such a thing! Please my Lord, I am taking back what I said earlier... I do not want to be here any longer! I want to be out of this place... Please take me out!!" as I begun to step back, both Jesus and Michael grabbed my hands firmly with such strength. It wasn't painful though, it was just enough to keep me from running.

"Child," said Jesus "I know this is hard but please listen to me..." He pleaded "You have to see this, you have to warn the people... you have to let them know the true horrors of Hell... and it must be done for the people to be saved... Please child, do not run away from reality for this is true... What I say is true..."

After few minutes of thinking and taking glances at the scene before me, I closed my eyes and stopped struggling letting out a sigh, calming myself down.

"Alright..." I then stated giving the Lord Jesus a small smile as he smiled back, "I'll do it... for the sake of the people and for the sake of the Almighty God... I accept my responsibility with everthing I have. I offer myself up to the Lord for He is great and loving..." I declared as they grinned with warmth.

"Well done child, I promise to help you along the way as long as it is necessary..."he grinned with care, love, warmth, and finality.

"Now let us move forward but before that, there will be someone else joining us..." as if on cue,

A bright light appeared once again in front of us and when it dimmed, there stood an armored man with pure white beautiful wings similar to Michael.

"My Lord, Michael, little one..." he greeted as he bowed in respect and acknowledgement as he turned towards me. "My name is Raphael, the Healing Archangel and the second in command of all the angels... It is a pleasure to meet you..." he introduced.

I guess some of the known angels on Earth are true. I sure hope the other sectors of Christianity believe that.

There would be risks though, hardheadedness and cold hearts which are difficult to comprehend.

Some will retaliate and some will believe, some will bad mouth and some will listen, some will rebel and some will stay loyal, some will attack and some will defend, some will turn bad and some will turn good, some will persecute and some will follow the light.

"Let us now go..." said Jesus as Raphael stayed behind me, centering me.

Fully entering and the gate closed, what I saw brought me to tears.

No I must not give up. I have to move forward. It's what I should be doing than doing none at all. I scolded myself as we slowed our paces.

The sky thundered and lightning clapped murderously as a horrid smoke covered the atmosphere making it dense to breathe in.

But I tell you by heart, we four were never affected by the thick smoke.

The surroundings are made up of brimstone, magma, flesh, blood, lava, and skeletons.

There are lots of craters with lava, boiling blood, fire, sulfur, acid, or either mixed containing one individual being tortured; rivers of boiling blood, lava, sulfur, fire, and acid (a very strong acid that is nowhere to be found on Earth).

A Volcano that contain souls as prisoners.

Fire hails.

All kinds of dangerous, disgusting insects are everywhere making each soul cry out in pain.

A three level floored prison at the left with each individual having their torments.

The prison was not the only one of there are zillions and zillions of it, one after the other in a book shelf stacked style inside a library.

And for the horrors in my entire life, CANNIBALISM is occuring in this place, flesh against flesh.

I saw a person eating his/her own flesh due to starvation and as their punishment as well.

There are even priests, pastors, nuns and all other religious leaders, even a pope.

'And they shall go forth and look upon the corpses of the men who have transgressed against Me. For their worms does not die, and their fire is not quenched. They shall be an abhorrence to all flesh.' (Isaiah 66:24)


Please heed this warning...

Nobody is perfect... No matter what status/rank you are in, we are still humans. The Lord God is the only one who is PERFECT among us...

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