The Incident

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Phil's POV:

Dan knocked and we waited patiently, a minute had passed and I decided to spo up. Maybe she is in the community room, she even said she was most likely in there if there was no response I said to dan. "Ok let's check in there!" Dan said while grasping my hand and leading me to a door.

Amanda's POV: (oooohhh! ahhhhhh! who is she??)

I logged into the computer to watch Dan and Phil, they always got my mind off things. Linda came in earlier to tell me that two men where coming in at 2:00 (it was 1:40). I clicked on Dan and Phil's latest video "PINOF 9" and started to watch. I lost track of time and completely forgot about the visitors who where coming soon, it not like they would want me anyways.

Dan's POV:

We opened the door and a girl was on the computer in the corner facing the opposite direction so we could see her screen. As I walked closer I realized she was watching us! I looked to Phil who had not noticed yet and whispered to him, Look phil she is watching us! Phil looked at me and then at the screen and smiled. "Wow, she sure is! I hope she doesn't go complete Phan girl on us!" He whispered while laughing loudly. The girl turned around and yanked out her headphones while gasping,she started to blush a bit and them got really pale. I walked over to her and bent down to her level,and asked if she was ok. She nodded and them *BAM* She passed out and fell right into my lap hitting her head on the on the way down on the side of the table. A distressed Phil ran up to me saying "Dan what the hell did you do to her!?"

Amanda's POV:

I continued to watch YouTube until I heard a familiar laugh, I turned around and saw my two idols Daniel James Howell and Philip Michael Lester standing right there in front of my face. All that was popping into my brain was Omg omg omg, they saw i was watching them! and I feel sick. I think Dan saw me starting to get pale so he walked over to me,bent down to my level and asked if I was okay. I nodded, Dan and Phil's video was playing on the monitor with the head phones still plugged in (thank God!). I looked up into Dan's big brown eyes, he looked concerned. Oh god it's getting worse,I'm going to pass out onto Dan's lap,keep it together! I thought until it was too late I fell onto Dan's lap hitting my head on the way down,then everything went BLACK.

Phil's POV:

Dan walked up to the girl, she was very pale and looked sick, Until I heard a bang and the girl was laying in Dan's lap. What the hell did you do to her?! I yelled to dan. He looked flustered so I decided to help. "All I did was ask if she was ok, then she passed out and hit her head on the edge of the table! I'm sorry its all my fault!" Dan said while tearing up a little. I hugged I'm and made sure he was okay. It's not your fault dan!, You stay with her i will go get linda! I said rushing out of the door.


What will happen next? Will Dan and Phil adopt her? Keep reading and find out! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Luv ya!

-Olivia ❤

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