That Girl with the Makeup- A David Walliams story.

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Sophie hurried down the corridors, unaware of where she was supposed to be exactly. She stared down at the pictures of the unusually handsome man, a light blush spread across her cheeks as she realised she would be working with him.

She saw the large wooden door, it was slightly open. With a nudge of her hip, it flung open, quicker than she thought. Flying forward, two strong arms caught her before she hit the ground.

"I uh, thank you." She murmured as she fixed her glasses and tried to fix her mass of curls. The man just smiled slightly as he pulled his arms away, his hands going up to fix his tie.

"I don't usually cause women to fall at my feet, you must be the new makeup artist. I'm David, welcome to the team!" The man said cheerfully as he sat down on the chair infront of the mirror.

Sophie was starstruck. She would be working with David Walliams.

'Act cool, he's just like a normal person.' She thought as she walked over and set her makeup bag on the table. Smiling slightly as she ran her fingers over the soft brushes.

"So, did you find here okay?" David asked as he watched her intently. She certainly was different than the other makeup artists. At least she had a bit of character, her curls seemed as though they just couldn't be tamed and her hazel eyes glittered behind her glasses.

"Well, seeing as I got here in one piece, yeah." She said and smiled at him in the mirror. He couldn't help but smile back.

"I was lost on my first day, but you get used to it."

Sophie just nodded as she looked at the list of characters. She carefully selected the makeup and walked to stand beside him.

"So, Emily today?" She said and David just nodded, checking his watch.

Sophie nervously began to prime his face, he could sense how nervous she was by her soft touch, her finger tips barely touching his cheeks and forehead.

"Don't be shy. I don't bite!" Laughed David and all Sophie could do was smile at his adorable laugh.

"I'm sorry, I'm just used to working on female models."

"Who was the last you worked with?" David asked as he began to close his eyes slightly, enjoying her soft fingertips dance across his face.

"Lara Stone." Blurted Sophie and David opened his eyes slightly.

Her fingers quickly withdrew from his face as she looked at him, clearly embarrassed.

"Oh, I the first man?" He asked, beginning to feel as uncomfortable as she did.

"Well, unless you count my brother, yes. He lets me practice on him sometimes, but not often." She said as she softly applied some lip stick to his rather soft and plump lips.

He just smiled slightly as he relaxed and listened to her telling him about her family.

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