texting 17

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thekookiestyle:    hey i need to ask you something

taecancook:    what is it?

thekookiestyle:    what if.. this is just a question don't take it seriously..

taecancook:   sure what is it?

thekookiestyle:    what if a person is lying to you?

taecancook:    lying about what?

thekookiestyle:    about his identity

taecancook:   idk.. i hate liars tbh

thekookiestyle:   why?

taecancook:    all my life.. all the people i loved.. they were lying to me. first off, my parents, im not their real child. second, my backstabber of a friend, my only friend except for my roommate.. lied to me, he was just being my friend for a dare.

thekookiestyle:   thats terrible.. im sorry

taecancook:   its fine its not your fault

thekookiestyle:   i know i just feel bad for u

taecancook:   juanbook?

thekookiestyle:   yes?

taecancook:    you wont lie to me right? i can trust you right?

thekookiestyle:    yes..

taecancook:   thats good.. im starting to like you..

thekookiestyle:    im starting to like you too..

taecancook:   :)

thekookiestyle:  N..

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