The Morning Rush!

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Chapter One

"Sarah Johnson! Get down here right now! You'll miss your bus on the very first day of school!" echoed my mom's voice. I opened my eyes slowly. The sunlight streaming in through the window pierced my eyes. I stretched my arms and then finally realised............ It was my first day at my new school. I jumped outta bed and wore the most CASUAL clothes i owned- A blue cropped-tee that showed off my navel piercing and a pair of shorts that hardly covered my thigh. I walked down the stairs to the kitchen, where we ate everyday.

My mom was cooking bacon and eggs today, which means she is happy, because she cooks bacon VERY rarely.She turned around and dropped my younger sister's egg. She was shocked and angry. I took the hint and went upstairs and changed into a T- shirt and jeans. I took a good look at myself in the mirror.I saw a plain looking five foot 9 inch tall blonde girl with blue eyes.She looked plain. I went downstairs. My mom flashed a smile of content at me. I smiled back, but I didn't mean it. My sister, Caira who had been sipping her Mango milkshake till now broke the silence "Mom, won't Sarah come with me to school??". I felt like killing her! She knew that I wasn't going with her but she still had to say that! I lunged out at her but Mom pulled me back in time. "Sarah! Calm Down!". I sat down quitely and sipped my milkshake and ate my breakfast. I couldn't help but glare at my sister. There was silence. I looked at my watch. It was five minutes to 7 'o' clock. I picked up my bag and said " Mom, I'm leaving. When will you pick me up from school??". "I'll be there by 3 'o' clock".

I walked out of the house. I knew where the bus stop was. My previous school, didn't provide transportation for us. We were expected to either walk or come in our private cars. I used to walk too school. Dad was never in town. He was a doctor who took care of the sick people in Africa and hardly came home. Mom used to work and her office and my old school were in opposite directions. So my sister and I used to walk to school. I reached the bus stop. I saw many  kids there.They were all chattering. I just sat doown on a bench next to another quite girl. She had black hair, big eyes and wore a pair of beautiful earrings. I was just staring at her earrings when a brown haired girl walked upto us and said "New here huh? Well I'm Gemma! And you are??". Her voice was deep, like a boy's.The girl beside me spoke up " I'm Jenny! Its a  pleasure to meet you". Jenny had a shrill voice. Both of them turned to me. I felt intimidated, god knows why! I finally found my voice and said" Sarah. Sarah Johnson.".

We heard a horn. The bus had arrived. Gemma said " C'mon Jenny and Sarah! If you want a seat get up and run!!!!". Jenny and I got up and followed Gemma. We had to push and pull to get to the front. We got in and caught three seats together. We sat down. The first thing i noticed was that the bus was stinking.But I got distracted when Gemma started speaking" Hey listen my other friends are calling me. I need to go. You two talk!". We stayed quite for sometime. Jenny spoke. : Do you like jokes??". I nodded. She said " Ok then!"

"Knock knock!"

"Who's there??"


"Brad who?"

"Brad Pitt. Is there any other Brad worth mentioning??"

We both laughed. I liked Jenny. She was a nice sweet girl. We started talking. I realised we had a LOT in common. We kept talking.

Finally we reached school...... the moment I was dreading had arrived..... 


Hey guys hope you like the first chapter of my story!


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