Eagles High....

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Chapter Two

The bell rang. Jenny and I followed Gemma to our classroom which was XI- E. Jenny and I hadn't been assigned a locker yet, so we had to keep our books in our bags. Trust me, the bags were too heavy. We entered the classroom. The classroom wasn't that bad. It was decent. It had blue walls, a few paintings and two bulletin boards. I sat down in the front seat. Gemma shook me and said, " Sarah! You're in the spit zone! Don't sit there!". I gave her a confused look. " Spit Zone??" I said. Gemma calmed down a bit and said, " Mr. Crowley is our class teacher. He is a saliva factory!". Jenny and I took it the dirty way and spoke in chorus " How do you know??!!". We made kissing faces at her. She went red. I thought  she was getting angry but she was actually laughing! She spoke out while laughing and gasping for breath in between, " Shut up you guys! Oh c'mon!". We all laughed. I totally forgot that I was still sitting in the first seat. The bell rang again. This one was for us to settle down for attendence. Mr. Crowley entered, right on time. I heard someone mumble," On time, as usual". Mr. Crowley looked at Jenny and me as we were the ones who were sitting right in front of him. He looked curious. Maybe because he hadn't seen us before. He started speaking, " Welcome all of you to class XI-E". As he spoke, the spit flew toward  Jenny and me. Jenny managed to drop a pencil and then duck down to pic it up but, I was stuck.The spit flew toward me and landed all over my face. Well I didn't take Gemma's warning seriously! My fault!. Mr. Crowley introduced himself, " Good Morning all of  you. I am Mr. Crowley, your class teacher. I will be teaching you English.". He paused for some time to drink some water. That was the only time I had to wipe his spit of my face.I quickly rubbed his spit off. Mr.Crowley continued "  I see a few new faces." He pointed toward Jenny and said, " Whats our name child??". Jenny got up and said very confidently, "Jenny Paskervitz sir.". Mr. Crowley then pointed towards me. I got up. I hesitated a bit because my introductions at my old  school were never good. I used to stammer when I got nervous. I said to myself," Sarah you can do this!". Mr.Crowley was tapping his foot. I said, " I am Sarah Johnson sir". Mr. Crowley leaned close to me and said, " Couldn't remember your name Sarah??". I could hear the sarcasm in his voice. I sat down. Just then three girls entered the class. I noticed them when I heard all the boys sighing. All three girls were wearing cheerleader uniforms. One of them stood in front and the other two stood behind her holding pom-poms. I could make out that she was the head cheerleader at Eagles High. The other two were her kiss up's. "May we come in Mr. Crowley??" said the head cheerleader.Mr. Crowley who was writing our time-table on the blackboard turned around. He said, " Libby! Late again! What happened this time?" Even though Mr. Crowley shoud have been angry he sounded very happy. He said"Oh Libby! Come on in!!!".Gemma, who was sitting behind Jenny whispered to us, "Those are the three cheerleaders from our class.The one up front is Libby. Miss head cheerleader.Her father is a trustee os the school, thats why she is treated like a princess.Those two behind her are Hillary and Amanda. They are her kiss-up's". I whispered back saying, " I had guessed that".Just then Mr. Crowley's voice echoed, " Gemma! Talking again huh? Go to the principal's office immediately! You too Ms. Johnson! Going to the principal's office on the first day itself?? Not a good start...". I followed Gemma out into the corridor. "I'm sorry dudette! I got you into this mess!". I felt a bit angry but I couldn't show it........ I would become my old self then. I finally decided to go with, " Gemma it's not your fault! Even I was talking!" I walked towards the principal's office. I didn't know hw the principal would react as he knew my past............




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